1, the godfather, it had what used to be called a script, real actors and someone who could put the 2 together . 2 the godfather pt 2 . 3, windtalkers , a good subject but to much nick cage and not enuff navajo. 4, theatre etiquette ? is that an oxymoron ? ps. i do like nick cage.
1) Such a hard question to answer, b/c there are so many outstanding movies to choose from. I guess though it'd be either Gone with the Wind or The Philadelphia Story- The first because it's just utter entertainment. The 2nd because of the awesome acting (Hepburn, Grant, Stewart) 2)The Aviator..just a pleasant engaging movie 3)The Aviator- See #3 4) Being a long time theatre employee, I'm extraordinarily picky on when I see a movie. Most of the time I'd like an empty theatre. But on those rare occasions of a "big time" movie (LOTR, Star Wars), there's nothing like a full audience.
Attend Movies at the Theatre. There's nothing like it!!