To get an avatar, click on your username above where it says "Logged in as ..."
That will open a different page. Towards the top of that page, look for the "Edit Profile: Click Here" link.
On the profile edit page, you can scroll down and find the avatar section. At that point, you can chose one of the existing default avatars, or you can specify another picture from a remote web site.
It's nice to have you with us! Please feel welcome to join in any thread you want.
"It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."
To add an Avatar click on the User Details tab. Your information should display then click on edit profile. About 2/3's down is a box that allows you to pick from a library of Avatars. You can also add any pic that has a URL address. Some of us have had better luck than others with that.
Jump in on any thread everyone here is relatively sane. Fun is the key word here!!!
Welcome aboard. What is really nice about this forum, especially as it grows, is that there are people from all over the country and from all walks of life. You are our first Minnesota poster.
Not only did you just blow our element of surprise, we usually wait until the second day to insult their football team. We can throw them off the trail by wearing our Colts jersies. Then they can blame Ray!
Dylan does like purple - it's his favorite color - but he doesn't like it more than the PACKERS!
Now you on the other hand are a cub-loving yuppie! (Missed me didn't ya) ;)
Sorry, Mel, picking on Wef is just daily routine for me. Love the avatar. Just don't mate w/ Sparky. we don't need any kittens running around the board.