The Board will soon have a new Chairwoman.
Her Name is Mz.
Her first act as chairwoman should be to help get the belt sander image out of my head. (see locker room thread).
Time to roll out the red carpet again!! Congratulations MZ!!!
I think I'll just leave it out for a while this things getting heavy...
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Dylan, I did not put the image in your head, I'm taking no reponsibility for getting it out.
Unless of course, you'd like me to replace it with something worse...
I thought we were pals...
A song, even one you like, can be annoying if you hear it enough....Hey thanks Mz, I almost got rid of the Terrell Owens Belt Sander image....DOH!
Well, Mz, It's about damn time!!!
Way to go! Barbie and Jane all around.
Sc-I think you might want to check your last comment. She's good but not the star.