Okay, that is all the enthusiasm I can muster at the moment. Its now 5:30AM Central... been awake for an hour. My sister is flying to California today and decided to text me while on layover in Atlanta. Should be an interesting weekend... she is driving back to Michigan with her son, Alex. He is coming home on leave for about 10 days, then he will be deployed to Afghanistan.
Guess I should go ahead and get this day rocking. Caffeine is a must!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yesterday a tanker truck crashed on 465, which is the main highway that makes a loop around Indianapolis. Luckily, very few people were hurt and most injures were minor. The driver of the truck and the driver that was behind the truck both have severe burns. But the interstate is going to be closed for possibly months. I am so glad I don't have that commute.
Morning gang. I'm going to get some stuff done. We are having a company "town hall" meeting today and they are giving us lunch. It will take a chunk out of the mid day. Better get cracking.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Ok, I'm just now dragging into FFR. It's Panic Friggin' Friday in the office. There is an OSHA meeting in the conference room (the instructor was late ); I have a layoff and I have a software error (waiting on support to call); one of our salesmen needs a rate sheet RIGHT NOW (so he can leave early -- not happening, payroll comes first). But... THE MAN JR is buying lunch It's like being rewarded with a Scooby Snack...
Smiles Everyone! Smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)