Driving home from Chicago last night, with the sun setting at 4:00, I hated the time switch.
Waking up to daylight this morning, I love the time switch.
We took too long to leave yesterday, so I didn't get a single word of my book written. And I thought of another idea on the drive back, so now that I'm 2000 words behind, I'm even thinking of changing my story entirely.
I saw this on Twitter this morning: Packer Fan: "I feel like I just caught my Granddad in a hotel lobby with another woman and she was much better looking than my Grandmother."
My normal bedtime is 11:30. I'm not tired at 11:30, but I'm dragging at 5 am... Good thing there is Sonic iced carmel hazelnut latte with a Sonic Boom!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
It was a mixed feeling sports weekend. The hockey, football, basketball (twice) teams all won. But the most important team (for the rest of the week) didn't win at all this weekend. There were no baseball wins. That put the Phillies in a bad place. They upset me. I am mad at them. As a tream, they don't deserve to win. Some individuals are okay, but important pieces are doing much. After they clawed their way back last night, the bullpen blew the game in the 9th.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I've been around the office for a bit, but just now checking in here. Its been a busy morning with people stopping by the desk, work, and my sister called.
Today is my sister's birthday. She also went to the oncologist again this morning to get the results back from her latest round of testing. With the results and all that we discussed, she has decided to get the chemo. Apparently the consensus it that it will have a substantial impact on her likelihood of having a recurrence. Making that choice is not much of a birthday present, but she seems at peace with it. I'm hoping the expresso pods I sent her go over better.
I'm still suffering from the weekend. Feels like someone beat the hell out of me with a baseball bad, except I have no bruises. Oh well. It will get better.
Hope everybody has a good day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hi everyone. I went back to work today even though I still feel nauseated. I don't know what I had but it came on fast and knocked me on my butt for the past 4 days.
It's raining again today and they say we may get a mix of snow with it tomorrow night. Every year at this time, I ask myself why I still haven't moved way down south where it never snows.
A lot of people working out at the gym tonight... had to pass and go home to the treadmill. Must be some kind of "remorse" from eating and drinking too much over the long party weekend. (halloween, packers) I'm guilting from a mombo breakfast at work.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.