Ever notice that when a Kat wears shades , how thier Kat-itude gets all uppity with Kat-astrophic effects on the KAT-munnity? only 1 cure I know of for this : tag em , bag em and put em on a plane headed for (u guessed it ) KATMANDU !!
Jstdve Is it just me or do you have a problemo with autority figures now that I'm in the penthouse and all. Now I don't want to hear any more interFERRETNCE from you!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
We executive members will have no more of you picking on people, just dave. Or you are going to just disappear. Don't think we don't have that kind of power. Buhahhahahahahaah!!!
Oh dear . . . how did this get STARted? We's gonna have ta RIGGS us up a way to get the cat a bottle of J.D. Maybe that's just TRISHful thinking though.
"It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."