All right, here's a stretch. Pick your favorite rivalry (doesn't have to be sports) and say something positive about someone or something from "the other side".
I'll start. Reggie White. This is why the Packers have dominated the rivalry, they get guys like Reggie. He was brilliant on the field and not just for a season or two. He played the game well his whole career. Off the field, he was as good a man as he was a player. He had the conviction to stick to his beliefs and took the heat that they caused with class. When he died, no one had a bad thing to say and no one is writing any "tell-all' books about him.
Come on, Star! Dig deep, this is a chance for personal growth. Their is a sensitive soul down in Florida that wants to come out.
Here's another one: Star vs. WFTR,
Star is truly a person of deep conviction. If it were not for her drive and passion, this forum would be no more than a series of "How's the weather?" posts. Thanks for keeping our mental faculties sharp, Star!
Just kidding! Weftur is very like. He has strong moral convictions. He has an interesting job working w/ cardboard. And lives in a good state. He adds posts of substance and does great accents. All in all he doesn't suck.
I will accept your olive branch and offer one of my own...
Walter Payton, number 34, Sweetness...that man epitomized the way football players should play the game and conduct themselves off the field. I think the measure of a great player on a rival team is that even when he is killing your team with his performance, you still consider yourself privileged for having witnessed his talents. That is truly how I considered myself for having witnessed this great player.
I don't know about rivalries, but this should count:
Sometimes, I find myself dancing to a Brittney Spears song. They've got a good beat, even if it's engineered. And she's just a confused, identity seeking girl. She's got agents telling her to be sweet and innocent, and then they say, now be slutty, and really she's just a cute face behind a marketing scheme from a record label.]
Walter Payton is my favorite football player of all time! I wanted to name my daughter Payton after him. My husband refused. Sigh. It's good that she wasn't, after all. My sister married a guy who had a son named Payton. That would have been really confusing to call my nephew and my daughter Payton. I still love the name and the man, though.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
For Dylan, the mortar that holds our threads together. I don't know how he does it, but he gets into every conversation and gives them just enough push. And how can you resist a sensative musician? Can I get a witness, ladies!
All right, we all love each other. Back on track. Scottie Bowman, one of the greatest coaches in all of hockey. Why are the Red Wings great? Great coaching! If we had more coaches like him still active, there would be no lock-out.
This one is a challenge for me. I lived in the north (NY and IL) for 17 years. I have lived in SC for 18 years. But I still consider Chicago my home. So I will now try to say something nice about the South.
They can cook, the weather is beautiful, and the slow- backwards pace can be refreshing at times! Southerners are also usually very kind and helpful. Okay that was not so hard!
Come on, the rest of you. It's very therapeutic. Just reach down in side and say something nice about someone or something that really puts the chiggers in your chaps.
(My thanks to JD for bringing back a word I haven't thought of for years - chiggers.)
Wow. There has been some good personal growth here today. But seriously, what can an Eagles fan say that is nice about the Dallas Cowboys. I guess that Troy Aikman was a pretty good quarterback. And that they had some good teams. Ouch! That hurts. But at least it was said.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Just remember the Yankees won the war there, South Carolina.
Dylan- I know, trust me I try to spread the word everyday! The rebel flag still flies so proudly here. They are so slow here that I think the word has not made it out yet, but yes the civil war is over and guess what?!?! YOU LOST. See now this defeats the purpose of this thread. I am trying to say nice things about the South!