Okay, since I've been in the penthouse for awhile I think it's time to make up some new rules. Initiation time. Sparky made it through, but I'm feeling well fiesty. So, D's in trouble! For his initiation here's the deal - let's discuss our favorite Dylan moments!
Here's mine: When he described himself as a ham on the Once Upon a Time Thread.
"Thank you, thank you very much little mama. I guess I didn't get the memo on working undercover. Sorry about the sequint jumpsuit. But just like any good Elvis movie, this would be a good time to break into song for no apparent reason." He was just about to drag out his guitar that he had strapped to his back when the lovely and vivacious Star showed her tough side and thumped the big dope with a back hand that would make an NFL linebacker jealous. "Listen Dylan, the whole team is assembled here, and we don't have much time. Here is the map of Dovetail's compound. Can you use that oversized ukulele to distract Dovetails through this makeshift PA system while us women do all the hard work as usual?" "Nobody talks to me like that, Star! Luckily for you your cute enough to get away with it and I am too big a ham to walk away from an open microphone." Star realized Dylan would create the distraction she needed.
This was actually Dylan pretending to be Anonymous.
Star - I guess you really didn't have time to prepare for Dylan's arrival huh? I am all for initiation but I don't want to receive worse than I hand out. Besides, the wise guy is innocent (for now). I will see if I develop any theories during my nap this afternoon.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
There's not much I can do over the forum but just make jokes at him and I, too, don't want to be too cruel. Is it because we are both smitten for the rockin' Dylan? Darn him!