Man, am I just in a bad mood today or is anybody else sick of almost all of the threads turning into sports talk? Yuck. So this is the anti-sports thread. Talk about whatever you want but not sports.
I have a topic.
Censorship. Should we be censored on the community forum?
No, I dont' even have those powers. As you probably have read I don't really have the power to give out stars. I'm actually losing stars. Hey, "Star happens." Then again if I want another star I guess I'll have to pull a JD.
Yeah, I was just trying to dirty your thread with sports today. Just to mess with you. It is Friday and I really don't feel like doing real work. You know what I mean?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
(cricket cricket).....o wait that is a sport (never mind, I'll split now (oh wait unintentional gynmastics allusion) I'll get out of here like a bat (not baseball bat) out of hell.....
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Star- With the large Cuban population in Miami what is the talk concerning Castro? I know the guy is gonna start circling the drain soon. Are the exiles ready to take it back and open it up to democracy? I can't help but think that there is a plan.
We don't need to be censored here. No one would push it to that point, it would ruin it for everyone. We will push a direct challenge, however. You know what your in for, don't you Star? I'll try to be nice and stick to the point of the thread. I'll be very polite and not raise the threat of censorship.
So how about this Midwest heat wave? Pretty weird, huh?
Clean out the guest room Star! We're all heading down. Florida is supposed to be hot, and you've at least got all the theme parks. If we get really bored, we'll run with Ray's idea and storm Cuba. I don't smoke, so I'll auction off my share of the cigars.
Ray- Good question. Very revelant issue. My brother's fiance is actually Cuban. Her family was involved in the government in cuba. That is a lot of the reason they left. I don't really keep up w/ the Castro news but my boss' last name is Castro. Scary, hunh?
Wef- What were you alluding to? Yes, your heat wave is something. Better than our summer rain wave.
Hey, all jokes asisde, are you guys ready for hurricane season? I heard a report that some parts are still a mess from last year. What's the word down there?
Actually, in southern Indiana, it doesn't seem to be as humid as it normally is with temperatures like this, so I don't mind too much. We finally turned the air on in our house yesterday, but that was more because the upstairs was getting stuffy.
Hey Star your boss didn't try out for the Baltimore Orioles in the 50's did he?
....Never mind that was Fidel.
Three weeks and the family makes the trek to Ft. Myers. I can't wait to get away and cut loose. Long walks on the beach.....Bloody Mary's....lots of sun and beer.
Back to Cuba. With so many people leaving do you think they'll want to go back and change things? In todays economy I think Cuba could really benefit from the American dollar. Thousands would visit and bring tons of spending money. Just 90 miles from Key West you could take a ferry. I hope it happens someday. That is a place I would like to visit.
yea they'll change all rite , big american co.s will buy up the sugar plantations and then pay the help 15 cents an hour, then the american co.s can buy the hotels and pay employees 15 cents an hour to clean up after the tourists !! , yep those cubans don't know what there missing !!