Asisson, please try again and let us know if it works.
We've had that complaint in the past and it's been a temporary thing that only certain people seem to be affected by (by that I mean most people can request just fine, but one or two suddenly experience problems).
It's the ISP number, you're "address" on the internet.
If the problem persists I can add Asissons IP address to the allowable request list and I think that would over-ride the problem. BUT most internet providers change your IP address every day or so.
In fact, perhaps the problem is related to that. Maybe they just changed it to one that for some reason isn't able to connect with the request database.
Ok, that's not the problem then. I thought maybe you hit the limit, but I just checked and saw I have it set for 100 a day and I KNEW you didn't request that many today.
If the dedications aren't working either then there's probably a system wide problem with audiorealm, the company that provides the software and support for the request system.
This A.M. kinda reminds me of the movie Canery ROW , the scene where Nick Nolte comes in to find his lab trashed and that one guy trying to clean it up . J.D. can be Nick and Jeremy can be the guy cleaning up and trying to explain what happened. Ultimo and Dovetails can be the 2 guys still rolling around in the mud. Ray can be the "beaned" ballplayer, sorry there are no roles for the FFR girls as they are way to good to be one of the "girls" in this movie , Uh Dave, did you just let a golden oppurtuneity to Zing a certain girl go by? Yep. must be slacking
That's funny. Did you notice the most requested list is back to 10 and the request numbers are well over 100 for most the the songs? Audiorealm must be experiencing techinical difficulties.
I did notice. Also, Riggs' avatar is gone? Someone must be hijacking the station. First, Riggs' avatar, then the request line, then the top twenty, also, I cannot see the album covers!!!