The ads say that you can tell what type a person is by the choice of their ringtone on their cell phone. If you have a cell phone, what is your ringtone?
Mine is currently Switch by Will Smith and has been for awhile. I like that song.
The other one that has my cell phone number is my wife and kids in case they need to get in touch with me. Its one of the pay as you go Virgin Mobile ones and so I only use it when I absolutely need to. Silence is great.........
I've got Ozzie's Crazy Train on mine. I use to use it alot when I was freelancing. Getting lots of calls for jobs but since I've gone back to a 9-5 those calls are all but gone. I mainly use it to keep in touch with the family. However when I was in San Francisco it was cool to be at Fisherman's Wharf and let my daughters listen to the seals barking.
I have Martini on mine. It's a standard one since I can't download ringtones (mainly because I don't know how). I like it, but would love to have "Hell, Yeah!" by American Hi-Fi as my ring tone.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I've got Call Me by Blondie on mine. It was a toss up between that and Jenny 867-5309. My first choice would be Michelle by the Beatles, but I haven't been able to find it in the US.
I use my phone for emergencies and convenience, but I don't use any more than an hour a month, if that.
If anyone from home calls me, it's Mozart. If anyone else, it's a boring ring tone. If it's on driving mode, it talks to me. Wish it would pronounce my last name correctly, however. I use mine mainly when I'm in transit. I shut it off if I'm within reach of a land based phone.