I don't normally do stuff like this, but I've been following a blog that I think a lot of people here would enjoy.
It's called World's Strongest Librarian. The author is a librarian, a body builder, and has Tourette's Syndrome. It sounds like a strange combination, but he has a really inspiring blog. He talks about all sorts of things, including book reviews and recommendations, kettle bell weights, and living with Tourette's.
I got hooked on his blog when I followed a link to his first video blog about Tourette's. He was having a bad tic day, and he talked about how tough it was and how he worked through it. He's also talked about how he used to just hide in the house all day so he didn't have to go out, have an episode, and get funny looks. I'm learning about what Tourette's really is, as opposed to how movies and TV portray it.
I'm not usually about following inspiring stuff just to be inspired, but I think this one's worth a read. It's http://worldsstrongestlibrarian.com/
Ok, so I'm just catching up on all the threads I missed the last few days.
I have to say, this is not a combination I would have expected. A body building librarian with tourette's syndrome.
My curiosity is peaked. I'll be checking it out.
They had a guy with tourette's on Idol the other night and put him through to Hollywood. It was weird, he had facial ticks because of the tourette's. The only time they disappeared was when he was singing.
Kind of reminds me of some artists like sheena Easton who have heavy accents that disappear when they sing.
I think that's why he likes the body building, it helps with the Tourette's. One post is about him having a bad tic day when he went to the airport, and he ends up helping himself by bending a nail.
Another post was one where he wished for 60 seconds of silence. To just sit for a full minute without having to do anything and not having any tics (is it 'tic' or 'tick'?). It's a video post, and he tries it in the video. It really makes you think about the value of a minute and the value of silence.
The weird combination is that I'm loyally following a blog about a bodybuilding librarian with Tourette's. The only part that I'd really be interested in is the book part, and I'm not one to follow something for inspiration's sake. But this guy got me.