I've never been so moved to make some request to break up the metal ballads I loathe so much... Ah well, at least it's just a Tuesday thing. I'll try reeeeeal hard to grin and bear it.
i don't like the ballad either... most of them are slow and dreary... make the day drag..... they have a time and a place....i need something that will keep me awake during the day... not put me to sleep... some are ok.. but some.... groan...
i am trying to stick through it... someone picked vacation song... that picked me up for a minute.. lol
Hey, metal ballads are more upbeat than you're typical ballad. Plus, it gives me something to sing to. That's more than I can say when we get bombarded with a bunch of country requests.
What's the deal w/ these people? I thought everyone loved Metal Ballads. You guys are no fun. Besides don't you realize that the way Riggs has it set up that it won't last forever. We can only hope that it lasts awhile.
That's what I mean. I knew he couldn't think we were all old. We are relatively close in age and if he were going to be old, I might have to find a new, hip cat to hang out with. And I would hate to do that because the Phat Cat has been good to me.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I must've just skipped that part of the 80s.... I went from my dad's Steely Dan and Jethro Tull to pop 80s... and somewhere in between I got into Oingo Boingo and hung out with the freestylers... But the rock ballad stuff was reserved for guys who wore white snake t-shirts and looked like they wanted to be anywhere but school and the girls who spent their spare time smoking in the bathroom, at least at my school... So there's just no history there for me. But I certainly don't mind a theme, as long as other stuff can be requested. And if there was ever a theme day for this stationI suppose this would have to be it... I don't think you could have a country day or a goofy songs day.
i don't think it is an age thing... i don't think of myself as old...
i just don't think that metal ballads are fun. i think they are usually sappy love songs or about doom.... I would not classify them ever as fun or energetic songs. they are slow and powerful and sometimes very beautiful.
but they do not ever motivate me to move a bit quicker and get another pile of work off my desk.
Well, I'm in the penthouse now and I say that we turn Wednesday into New Wave Wednesday!
The Cure, The Smiths, The Jam, The The! Get out your Oingo Boingo, Missing Persons, and Simple Minds! Deflate the high hair with a jab from the safety pin in your cheek.