Good day, all. For once my part of the country is not forecast for snow. Just brutal, bone chilling cold and ice on the roads. Presently it is 12*, with a 'feels like' index of 0*. The forecast high for my area for the rest of the week is 34* which might happen on Thursday. Nightly lows for the rest of the week are supposed to be in the low 20's.
Hopefully those of you who are getting snow won't get it so bad. I gather Fuzzy and Murs are supposed to get dumped on again as if they don't have enough already.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Fuzzy told me yesterday that she is supposed to get something like another 18 inches of snow. I feel bad for you guys... I gripe about the snow I got in these last couple months, but the sum of all that doesn't equal just your last snow. What a mess.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Flurries have started but we haven't hit the storm warning time yet. Goes from 10am today thru 10am tomorrow. Predicting 11-12 inches total. I'm kinda hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I don't think today will be fun. I have a feeling we will have to close early and that is always a pain trying to get a hold of group homes to make sure someone will be there or waiting on them to pick up their people. So much easier to just close. Stupid snow being uncooperative.
I did get payroll done just before I left work yesterday so no biggie for me if we miss some time.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
We only got enough snow to turn the ground white, no real accumulation. It's just a cold 8 degrees with a North wind making it feel even colder. I hope you all get dug out, or can at least enjoy being stuck in.
Morning all. It's snowing here now. My youngest girl did her snow dance last night (she wants a day off from school tomorrow) so if everybody gets dumped on, feel free to blame her. Oh, my husband told me last night that my snow blower is gassed up and ready to go. Gee, thanks, I guess.
oh hello. our snow clobbering has begun here in Miltown too...10-14 inches is the last I heard, gonna go see if the online paper upped that amount at all...
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Morning all. It's snowing here now. My youngest girl did her snow dance last night (she wants a day off from school tomorrow) so if everybody gets dumped on, feel free to blame her. Oh, my husband told me last night that my snow blower is gassed up and ready to go. Gee, thanks, I guess.
Morning all. It has been a busy morning. We presently have sunshine. It has been out and bright all morning. We are awaiting the clouds and eventual snow. Tomorrow will be a snow day. I will not risk my life or anything else for a 30 mile drive into the office. Especially when the heaviest snow will be starting around 8am Wednesday. The lowest amount they are predicting for us (home and work) is 12". Seriously looks as if it could be another 18-20" at my house. Fun.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Morning all. It's snowing here now. My youngest girl did her snow dance last night (she wants a day off from school tomorrow) so if everybody gets dumped on, feel free to blame her. Oh, my husband told me last night that my snow blower is gassed up and ready to go. Gee, thanks, I guess.
Its better than the answer I usually get... "I don't know why you bother with all that. You have a 4 wheel drive truck. What's the big deal? If you can't get out then you just don't need to go."
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good answers! Mine is, "Remind me again why I allow you to live in my home?"
I've been holding that one in reserve. I think the guys know, though, I haven't had to use it yet. Whenever I start feeling guilty for being behind in my chores, I just think, "and what are they doing for 40 hours a week that I have to do it?" And somehow, magically, it gets done without me ever having to ask. I do still have to clean the toilets though.
We just got a notice that we can no longer use our paid time for snow days or any other time the company closes early due to a financial bind. This blows. I have plenty of time! I guess I can't really afford a snow day now. It's a tight month with extra bills.
Now I am off for a haircut that I am really not in the mood to get. :/
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
We just got a notice that we can no longer use our paid time for snow days or any other time the company closes early due to a financial bind. This blows. I have plenty of time! I guess I can't really afford a snow day now. It's a tight month with extra bills.
Now I am off for a haircut that I am really not in the mood to get. :/
That makes no sense. They're still going to have to pay you for your paid time off anyway.
We just got a notice that we can no longer use our paid time for snow days or any other time the company closes early due to a financial bind. This blows. I have plenty of time! I guess I can't really afford a snow day now. It's a tight month with extra bills.
Now I am off for a haircut that I am really not in the mood to get. :/
That makes no sense. They're still going to have to pay you for your paid time off anyway.
That is probably true, although the last company I worked for only paid you 50% for each unused day of leave when you leave the company.... In that scenario, they pay less that way I guess than letting you use one of your days to miss a whole day.
We just got the obligatory e-mail stating that if the company closes, we still have to use a day of leave for it. That one always slays me - basically you're saying if I lived down the street and walked or camped out at work, the building would be closed and I couldn;t work even if I wanted to, yet I'm forced to use a vacation day. It's a good way for the company to wipe a day off the books for everyone I guess....
As for snow days, the college I work at makes you use a sick day if there is a snow day, which is fine because we lose the sick days when we quit anyway, so we might as well use them.
But, the building I work in never closes, so I'd have to work anyway, but I'd get paid overtime for coming in. I guess that's ok, but honestly I'd rather avoid the hassle and just be off work.
Doesn't matter tonight anyway, because they're one of the few schools that haven't closed.
The official policy here is that we are never closed. We have the ability to be a mobile work force so if nothing else, we can work from home which we usually do at least one day a week anyway. Unbelieveably though, working from home because of the weather is frowned upon if you are an hourly paid employee... salaried employees aren't supposed to either, but the rules are different for us so we can. Generally if you don't want to show up because of weather, they want you to take a vacation day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.