Good day, all. I too am working on racheting up the level of "give a shizzle" for this day. Guess I need to get on that... first meeting is in just under an hour.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Well, the two storms didn't combine togive us a lot of snow. Thank goodness. One moved out late last night and the other one moved in this morning. The drive in sucked. They say it is just a snow shower. And just how long does a snow shower last? One would think that a snow shower won't get you very clean. Or at least it would take a long time to rinse the shampoo out of your hair and the soap off your body.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Hi all. It's another cloudy day here in my neighborhood and we got about an inch of snow this morning....nothing to write home about.
The Vice President is at my daughter's college today to speak to area businesses about the federal stimulus package my city received. I guess she had a heck of a time getting into school this morning. They blocked off all roads leading into the school; she had to show her student ID to get past them, then had a hard time finding a place to park....they blocked off half the parking area too. Once she found a place to park, she had to walk half the campus to be able to enter the building; many of the outside entrances are locked down. She called me when she finally got inside the building and said it was a zoo out there.
Ghost- yeah I heard that area was going to be hell :/
I have been going through some stuff and have not been spending as much time on the internet so I thought I better show my face so y'all know I am still alive.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Its amazing to think of the fuss your daughter had to go through just to get to where she was supposed to be because Biden is there, but those two celebrity seeking freak shows just walked right into the White House.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.