Good day, all. Today is "Single Tasking Day" according to the list of actually declared "holidays". I think I'm going to honor that today. Got a couple conference calls to cover this morning, but then I'm taking the rest of the day off. Seems like a good day to have an "eye problem"... as in I can't see my butt going to work.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I wish I was totally taking the day off. Got about 3 hours worth of conference calls to deal with coming up. That won't be so bad I guess. I have the house to myself tonight (YAY!! My favorite!!) so I plan on enjoying it.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I could have used a couple more hours of sleep this morning. Weekend went by way to fast. Saturday, Maranda and I went to a birthing class 9 am - 4 pm. I was wore out and ended up asleep on the sofa at 6 pm. Sunday was a stay home and catch up on domestic duties day. Mr. DS took Isaac out for a few hours to shoot hs BB gun. Meanwhile, we watched a movie -- "Moon" a sci-fi thriller about a guy working on the moon harvesting energy for earth. His 3 year contract is nearing the end and he can't wait to come home to his family, but something unexpected happens when he has an accident in his moon vehicle. I really liked this movie, but not for kids because there are a lot of f-bombs.
All right, then... let's get this party started ...
Smiles everyone! Smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Mrs Web and I both woke up feeling icky. Just dragging butts. We decided to send the boy to school and we are staying home today. I was up at 3:00 with a server issue for a while. I see a nap in my near future.
Morning. I am not in the mood to do anything. Had a bad headache yesterday that kind of took me out. It may be a single task kind of a day. I am having trouble trying to handle four things at once today.
The sun is out for a little while longer before the rain moves in this afternoon and tomorrow. At least the temps will be above freezing so it will stay rain. That will help melt our leftover snow.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Afternoon. I'm trying to be a more active member of this forum these days instead of just listening to the music and intermittently lurking, but I'm not having much success so far.... Anyway, colds seem to be making their way around us all lately. Hope everyone feels better soon. My wife has one, our son is coughing today, and my carpool buddy has one too.
Speaking of health, anyone here ever have a hysterectomy? My wife has a history of fibroids and cysts (including surgery), and at today's visit the doctor said her uterus is the size it would be if she was carying a 6-8 week-old baby....
She gets an ultrasound on Thursday, but we're wondering if it may finally be getting to the point of taking all those parts out. I haven;t started researching yet - I'll wait until we see what the ultrasound shows....
Dang Murs! I hope your wife gets some relief soon. That can't be comfortable. I haven't had a hysterectomy, but Pambo has. There are a lot of procedural options that make it not so bad on the recovery.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
murscclub wrote:Speaking of health, anyone here ever have a hysterectomy? My wife has a history of fibroids and cysts (including surgery), and at today's visit the doctor said her uterus is the size it would be if she was carying a 6-8 week-old baby....
My mother had to have one for the same reason. It went well and her recovery was good. It just takes a while to heal. She was out of work for a while too. And I believe they was no heavy lifting for a time.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Yeah, I think if they take both ovaries it sends you to menopause, but they can leave one in and it avoids that. I think. I'm not actually a doctor, I just play one on tv....
And that could be a problem here - I don;t know if there are cysts on both ovaries or just one, and how they would feel about leaving one in even if it doesn;t have any since she has gotten them on the other one.
Wow, reading the daily thread, it doesn't sound like a happy day around here. Sorry to hear so many people are feeling icky, tired or just run down. I fully expected to feel that way today but surprisingly I feel pretty good for a Monday.
Mursclub, sorry to hear about your wife. My Mom had that procedure done too. I don't remember all the specific details, but I do remember that she must have had a very severe problem because I'd come home from school and she would be crying her eyes out and in immense pain. My Dad had to beg her to finally get the surgery because she was so afraid to have it even when she was in so much pain.
And that could be a problem here - I don;t know if there are cysts on both ovaries or just one, and how they would feel about leaving one in even if it doesn;t have any since she has gotten them on the other one.
The prevailing thought these day seems to be "if its not bad, leave it". Likely if she has one ovary without cysts, they will leave it there. When they did Pambo's hysterectomy the original plan was to take one ovary too because according to the ultrasound there was a sizeable cyst on it too. Sometime between when the plan was made and the surgery, that cyst ruptured and there was no sign of it when they did the surgery so they left it. Had to go back in and take it out later because somehow it adhesed to her intestines. The one that was left was not working, so she immediately hit "the change". She is fine now, far as that goes though.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.