He hasn't had any hits for a long time before this. So this is going to really set him back. I don't think he can recover unless he piggy backs on Janet like he did in black and white.
I think there is a pattern to how we handle celebrities in our culture. We build people up and then love to see them brought down. If when a celebrity is brought down by scandal they express remorse, we forgive them. The irony with Jackson is he denies any wrongdoing and was was acquitted. So I don't think an apology will be forthcoming and therefore no public forgiveness.
I also believe how we define celebrity has changed. In the past you had to have a skill, accomplishment or heroic deed to have your 15 minutes of fame. Now people are elebrities just for being celebrities. I'll use Paris Hilton as exhibit "A", or any reality show winner.
MIchael Jackson had and still has enormous talent. I think it is more important that he get his personal life in order. I dont think he will be able to regain his confidence on stage until he does. Artistic expression depends on it.
I voted no, but now that I've had time to think about it, I may have voted differently. He now has a cult following of people who believe in him who will probably buy anything he releases. At the same time, he needs some time for personal reflection (and I don't mean in the mirror and more plastic surgery), and a lot of artists really come out of a hard time with some good material.
And you're right MZ, some of the best music comes from pain or anger.
Alanis Morissettes first album (and her last real successful album) is a good example. She was an angry young woman striking out with her music and it was a strong statement.
Now she's happy and her music is starting to suck So much so that they've taken to just redoing JAGGED LITTLE PILL acoustically!
Not a good comparison, but compare his career to Cher. Cher came back bigger than ever with her Believe album when everyone, except me of course, thought she was washed up.
I think if his back is as messed up as he had his doctors say it was during the trial, he will not be able to do his dance moves and so his live shows would be bad, really really bad.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
I don't think he'll ever have a "big hit" again. JD mentioned his back trouble . . . it seems like he's always got something wrong with him now. He can't even walk from the front door of the court house to a waiting ride without an umbrella. If it's not one thing, it's another. I don't see how he could put in the time and energy to produce a hit album if all his medical problems are real. That's not even getting into the mental problems.
"It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."
CP- I don't think Mikey will be back. He may try but I don't see it. His last CD went into the crapper rather quickly. The difference with Cher making a come back and Michael making a come back...Cher was never accused of sleeping with little boys.