I feel blech. I had a sore swollen throat all day yesterday, and it's continued into today. I'm a little congested too, but instead of having to blow my nose, it all drips down my throat instead. I'm taking a ****tail of decongestants, Aleeve, and Tylenol Sore Throat, and I had some Alka Seltzer cold nighttime last night. I really thought that would wipe it out, but it's still sore and really swollen. I tried gargling with some salt water yesterday, but that made me so sick to my stomach that I don't want to do that again. So right now I'm nursing a latte, and after that it's tea and honey. If anyone has any other home remedies for sore throats, I'd be happy to try them.
I am still not 100% and DH is full blown sick. Dr appt for him today though. Everyone I've talked to that has had bronchitis recently said it was like a 5wk deal before the were back to normal
Anyway I am still struggling to get payroll down. I doubt it will be done today. So I probably won't get to play again.
Have a good one all!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Morning. After a beautiful weekend filled with sunshine and daytime temps in the low 70s, we now have rain and low 60s. I wonder if it will be a wet Spring.
I demand that all you people not feeling well feel better today. So there. I told you.
The boss is on-site for a few days this week. Ought to be fun. :/
Work on.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Good day, all. It definitely smells of a Monday around here. So far, I tried to call into a conference bridge this morning only to find that my corporate liable phone service has been cut off. So far I can't seem to convince customer care to fix this issue.
Today is day one of my revised eating / work out plan... as in I actually have dietary restrictions and I will be going to the gym. It shouldn't be too horrible of a transition. We'll see how it goes.
Sorry to hear so many are under the weather. Hope you all get better.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hmm. That means I need to win the lottery now so that we can have our bodies altered. Then we have two months to tone them to have us looking fabulous.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
MZ, sorry you're feeling ill. This is gonna sound pretty stupid but I've actually been wishing I'd get a little touch of something. I really wanna take a few days off work but my guilty conscience won't let me do it unless I'm actually not feeling well. A LOT of my co-workers don't seem to have that problem.
Plus I know if I call in just to take a "mental health" day I'm SURE to actually get sick less than a week later.
I guess I should just be happy I've been on a good run of health the last year.
I understand, I've wished that at times. Sick enough to take off work, but not enough to be too uncomfortable. But this week I won't be in on Friday, and I keep feeling like I'm so close to being caught up, that I don't want to take off now.
I understand, I've wished that at times. Sick enough to take off work, but not enough to be too uncomfortable. But this week I won't be in on Friday, and I keep feeling like I'm so close to being caught up, that I don't want to take off now.
Yeah, that's just it. I don't want to be so sick that I feel like crap.
I'm really surprised that I haven't gotten sick considering I work in a building that has 2000 students passing through it every day.
Hey, at least ya got a three day weekend coming up!
I understand, I've wished that at times. Sick enough to take off work, but not enough to be too uncomfortable. But this week I won't be in on Friday, and I keep feeling like I'm so close to being caught up, that I don't want to take off now.
Yeah, that's just it. I don't want to be so sick that I feel like crap.
I'm really surprised that I haven't gotten sick considering I work in a building that has 2000 students passing through it every day.
Hey, at least ya got a three day weekend coming up!
Oh, I'll be working all weekend, just not here. It'll be at my second job, the author-y one, that hopefully I'll finally see some income from. One one hand, it'll be better than being behind this desk all day. On the other hand, I'm nervous as hell. And I'll have to socialize.
On the other hand, I'm nervous as hell. And I'll have to socialize.
Just picture em in their underwear Mz.
You could try that.... what's your poker face like? I have a good one, but I can't do anything about the involuntary shudder when its a bad mental image.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.