I'm feeling better today. I was planning on calling the doctor today, but I didn't expect to feel any better. I'm still not 100%, I still don't have my voice entirely back, so I'm unsure.
Glad you're feeling better, Mz. This one has really hung on to you.
We got a call last night that our friends are coming for lunch tomorrow. We haven't seen them since last fall. They have been itchin' to get out on their Harley so they took tomorrow off and are going to ride out here, have lunch with us, then ride back home. It's supposed to be in the low 80's at least the next two days.
I've had a stinkin' headache the past couple days.
Still no baby. Maranda is getting really anxious and ouchy with everyone. Her next appointment is moved to tomorrow (from Thursday). Last visit, doc said that is she is still not doing anything (effacement and dialation), we may have to talk about c-section. Friday is her actual due date.
Glad you're feeling better Mz.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Good day, all. Its Tuesday and I have a major case of the "fark its" today. We will see how this day goes.
Today is day 2 of week 2 of the new diet and workout program. I must say, I'm not a fan of lifting my arms over my head today. Hence, the office is getting treated to a very rare for public consumption 'no curls' day. So far it has freaked out 2 of my co-workers. Little Man looks very concerned... we spoke for several minutes. I think he is okay now. This has got to start getting better and easier soon.
DS... good luck with Maranda and grandbaby. Such an exciting time.
Mz... glad you are on the up-tick.
Web... enjoy lunch.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Afternoon all. I am finally able to get in and say hi. I didn't roll into the office until 9:30 this morning and then by 10am we lost the internet connection. As you can see, it is now up and running.
It has been one of those kinds of days though. It started early and has seemed to continue. Here's hoping the afternoon gets better.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.