I'm exhausted from my weekend. Brian's best friend was in town, so we spent a lot of time with him. It was friggin' beautiful, so we were outside when we could be. We did a lot of work around the house too, although we didn't get it all done. Today I'm sore.
Morning all. We had a pretty decent weekend here too; Friday was just like a summer day; Saturday started out warm and sunny, but late in the afternoon it got very windy and rained, with a repeat yesterday.
My youngest girl is on Spring break this week. She's a happy camper this morning because she didn't have to go to school.
I have to call my insurance company today. Over the weekend I got our homeowner's renewal notices for both the house and cabin. Insurance company automatically increased our deductible on both from $1,000 to $2,000! Both renewal notices say that it's going to cost me an additional $75.00 on each policy to revert back to the $1,000 deductible. I'm rather ticked off about this and don't understand how they can do this.
Morning all. Another Monday morning. Another day closer to 4/15. Is all my work finished yet? If it hasn't been completed, is anyone coming over to help me with it?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Morning all! I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I'm glad its Monday because I need a weekend from my weekend! It sure was pretty around here both Saturday and Sunday, but that of course meant working on the yard all day Saturday so the Easter Bunny could make the outdoor visit on Sunday. That was a lot of work!
Hey Fuzzy... I did help a bit. Did my taxes last night so you don't have to.
Hope everyone has a good day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Opening day today! I couldn't sleep all night and I think it's cus I was too excited for opening day. That means I'll have to sleep all afternoon so I'm not dead tired at work tonight.
Looks like we'll have a perfect day for baseball though. Mid sixties & sunny.
I found out last week that there's a cool feature on the iPhone. You can download an App that lets you completely control iTunes from your phone (kind of like a remote control). Furthermore, if a friend comes over who has an iPhone they can access your music collection and request songs to play.
I think it would be a blast to have a party with this system. Everyone who had an iphone could see the cover art, title and artist of the song that's playing, along with all that information for the next ten songs coming up. They could also search my collection right on their phone and request music as they please.
It would be like Freeze-Frame Radio in party form!
Ah, in this state it basically boils down to if you work a regular job and you have interest income you end up paying the state the tax money on the interest income.
If they want to encourage saving, I have always wondered why they tax our interest income. Now granted, most of us do not have a ton of money socked away where we earned thousands of dollars in interest evey year. Why not make that another item with a limitation of say if you earn over $1k in interest it is taxable. Yes, I know there is already a limit - the bank doesn't have to report interest of under $10. But come on. And I guess I do know why they don't make more of it tax exempt - it is easy money for the states.
I need to go back to grumbling at my spreadsheets.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm slow today. I had a rough night too. I was really tired but then fought a headache all night and didn't sleep well at all. I'm home with the boy for his last day of Easter break, so I took advantage by sleeping in a little, then just stayed in bed a while even after I woke up.
I'm not sure what I'll do today. I should go down to the city office and get a permit for building the new shed sometime soon.
Ah, in this state it basically boils down to if you work a regular job and you have interest income you end up paying the state the tax money on the interest income.
If they want to encourage saving, I have always wondered why they tax our interest income. Now granted, most of us do not have a ton of money socked away where we earned thousands of dollars in interest evey year. Why not make that another item with a limitation of say if you earn over $1k in interest it is taxable. Yes, I know there is already a limit - the bank doesn't have to report interest of under $10. But come on. And I guess I do know why they don't make more of it tax exempt - it is easy money for the states.
I need to go back to grumbling at my spreadsheets.
If you receive unemployment from the state of Indiana, they don't take state taxes out of it. So we have to pay state. Tell me how that makes sense?
I think in Kansas we have the option of paying taxes on unemployment as it is received. Its been forever since I collected unemployment, but I seem to remember one of my friends telling me that.
I just didn't have a good deduction year last year, and apparently some of the tax laws changed. Gonna have to sort something out for this year.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.