Welcom back Maple1. Nice to see you again. I hope you will have a chance to do a little posting on the side. Monday is over, don't look back. It was one of those days all over the place.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
1Maple, don't get sucked in to trying to read every thread if your time is restricted. If we cross reference or think there is some thing on another thread worth reading, we let each other know.
I am not Canadian as Ray speculated but my grand father was. He came 40 miles south of the border which allows me to declare that I am a second generation Vermonta (that is the native pronunciation) more generations on my other side
My login name relates to the name of the family farm where I grew up
I would live to get an avatar How do I go about it? My posts look so BLAH!
To get your Avatar just click on VIEW PROFILE by your name, then select EDIT PROFILE, and in the profile there's a question if you want an Avatar, say yes and it will let you select from a library of them.
Click on User Details, and above the right hand corner of the box you'll see Edit Profile, Click Here. Once you get in to the page to edit your profile, scroll down to avatar and either choose one from the library, or insert one that you found on the web.
I hope this avatar is ok It kind of suits since I am a Big guy though not quite as hairy as Hagrid And Yes I do like the Harry Potter series both books and movies
I was anti Harry Potter until my sister convinced me to read one. I read all 5 that had been out in the course of a week. I'm not a die hard fan or anything, but they are a good easy read. And, the next book comes out on my birthday! I haven't bought any of the books yet though, so unless someone gets it for me, I probably won't buy this one. I'll borrow someone else's.
Maybe we should make that our next book club book...
Welcome back Maple. My daughters got me into Harry Potter. I did not have a clue who or what he was until my wife made me stand at the bookstore for the Goblet of Fire book. Doggone if I didn't get hooked too. Can't wait until Saturday. By the way--if you want to avoid those horrible parties and Barnes and Nobel and Borders, try your local Wal-Mart Supercenter at Midnight. Most put the books out on a pallet just after midnight.