I would like to see the stats on who makes the most new threads. I think JD is a little thread happy right now. But I just know I can out do that guy!!
just cuz you're the oldest doesn't mean you can scold us - that's mz's job!
as for you, jd! you want to make this a contest? who can make the most threads and get the most responses? oh, I'll take your a** and play against you.
Now children, fight nice. Now that I am stuck here, my day has been a complete waste and to avoid things on my desk, I am trying to keep up with what is out here already. Although keeping up may help me to 900 today.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
that's what we have newbie's for!!! oh, maple!! as your initiation you have to clean up the penthouse!! it's the place where us 1000+ posters hang! there's a hot tub, used to be a pool table, some claim there's football crap - but I don't see it. I see velour animal print couches. It's swanky. But there are cups and stuff everywhere so we need it straightened up. I tell these people to use coasters but they see no need to on the glass coffee tables!