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Post Info TOPIC: Phobias


So what are afraid of??


Me- Heights for one, but I actually tried to face it by bungie jumping with my husband five years ago. It did not overcome it. I definitely did not care to do it again. But even more so- anything with wings. Mainly birds and butterflies, but mainly birds. I do have a reason though- I have always had hair down to my butt. When I was about five, I was playing in the yard and there was an owl in a bush in our yard. I ran over to it to try to grab it and it attacked me and got all caught up in my hair. I was being babysat at the time and I ran down the street screaming (you can stop laughing anytime!). Needless to say I probably need therapy to help me get over it. Last Friday my secretary left about 15 minutes before everyone else. She got down to her car and immediately called the office to tell them to tell me not to go down the back way because there was a bird that was stuck in the stairwell. Well we all went out at 5 and there it was, the flapping noise... I am having a panic attack thinking about it. So I marched across the whole building to use another exit! Okay pick yourself up off the floor. I am a mess somedays!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Wow, that is a SCARY experience Ruby!

I'm afraid of heights too, and I have no need to get over it I'm fine with staying right here on the ground.

I'm also embarassed to say I can not STAND bugs of any kind. Expecially the hard shelled ones! If I see one in the house, and it gets away before I can squash it, I can't stop looking for it until I've found it. The thought of it creeping around while I sleep, or while I'm cooking, or whatever just drives me nuts.

Now, I realize there's tons of bugs that I never see, but those just don't bother me, only the ones I know of must die!


Living Legend

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Ruby, that's not funny at all, that would be hard to get over . . . especially since you were so young.

Mine are more social things. I'm not a social misfit, I just get uncomfortable when I have to interact with small groups of people I don't know. I just never know what to say or I'm "afraid" I'll say something stupid.

It doesn't bother me to be in crowds or around other people, I just don't like being the center of attention in a crowd. Public speaking is the last thing I would want to do. I am to start playing bass at my church next weekend. I'm already REALLY nervous about it but I want to do it bad enough I'm going to push through it. Since I know most of the people at church pretty well, that won't be near as bad as being in front of strangers.

It was funny . . . a lady at our church was trying to get me to take a part in a skit. She can't understand why anyone would be "afraid" to be up in front of people like that. One day I was hanging over the edge of the roof at church doing some minor repairs when that same lady came by. She was freaking out just watching me. I told her to come on up and help. After she described her fear of being on the roof, I explained to her I feel the same way when I think about being up in front of all those people. She hasn't asked me to do anyhing since.


"It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."

Grand Poobah


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spiders. freakin spiders!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Lord of the Lair

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Bees.  And I don't know why.  I have never been stung.  When I was kid I used to go looking for hives.  I would throw sticks at them, spray water, shoot my BB gun and begin running.  I would wait for the hive to calm down then go back again.  Wasps were especially intriguing to me with those papery nests.  I even went up to one with a baseball bat, swung knocked the thing and dropped my bat and ran.  For some reason as I got older I began to fear them.

Here is a very funny story.  I was taking a co-worker home from work one day.  I made her get rid of the bee that was in my car before we got in the car.  Left the windows open.

So here we are sitting at a stop light, very busy intersection.  She lets out this gasp.  It was an ungodly sound to me.  I thought there was another bee in the car, so I got out and ran.  Left her sitting in the car, as it gently rolled into the intersection of busy traffic I did not even bother to put it in Park.  I just bailed.  Thank heavens no auto damage or any one was hurt.  The reason for her gasp.  She forgot to punch out.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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That's hilarious CP. I bet it took you a while to live that one down!


Lord of the Lair

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That is when I moved to California--now of course we have the Killer Bees in the Valley.  Had a swarm go thru the yard the other day, doubt it was killer bees, but I was beyond freaked.  It was just this cloud looking thing and then next thing I know this massive swarm was buzzing about us.  I honestly thought I would have a stroke on the spot I was so scared.  But they passed peacefully through and fortunately didn't land in my yard for a rest.


CEO - The KOTO Co.

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       I'm afraid of south florida girls moving  to north florida   


Permanent Vacation

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CP, maybe you're afraid the bees will come back for revenge?

I love heights!  I can't wait to bungee jump or skydive!  Bugs, snakes, mice, etc., usually are no problem.  (Except for cockroaches, but I'm not scared of them, I just don't want them in my house, for obvious reasons.  And I really don't like earwigs.  I've stepped on one before, and those pinchers in back really do work, but I just don't like them, I wouldn't say I'm afraid of them.)  Now, I don't like bugs on me, but again, I think it's a natural reaction, not fear.

No, I'm claustophobic.  When my father-in-law was in the hospital, they wouldn't let you use the stairwell unless it was an emergency.  It was only two floors, but you should see how tight I held on to the handrail and how close I was to that door.  I like every room to have a window.  The bathrooms in our house are in the middle and don't have windows, and if it's only my husband and I, I leave the door open.  And rooms with too many people in them, if I can't move, I start to panic.  I have a hard time going to the grocery store on really busy days.  If I can't easily move down the aisle, I start to get agitated.  I'm good at hiding it, but people who really know me can tell that something is wrong.




Grand Poobah


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Mz I am the same way at the grocery store- crowded isles- I think for me its just crowds there.

For me its ladders. I hate ladders. I don't care if its a 3 ft step ladder or a 40 ft extention ladder. I can do it, but I absolutely hate it. Feet need to be on the ground! I thought it was heights for awhile, but no, heights are cool. I've gone sky-diving- it was wild! I can do that, but ladders UGH!!!




"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Permanent Vacation

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I can see that JD.  I don't like ladders that don't feel stabil.  If it teeters, or if some needs to hold it, I just don't feel safe.  Again, I think that's more common sense than a fear.




Grand Poobah


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You know what? I agree. That's not a phobia, it is my common sense calling the issue of safety into question that makes me apprehensive!

and the spider thing is basically I don't want to get crawled on or bit by one. A natural want to avoid pain!


(ok I will sit here for a bit as I have left myself open for some serious jabs.....oh look here comes riggs.........)

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Why do I have this image of JD being chased by a black, hairy stepladder with 8 legs...?




Grand Poobah


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"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Good Witch Of The South


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This story reminded me of this thread!
Bees freak me out to!

Over 10,000 Killer Bees Found In Ceiling Of Miami Apartment

POSTED: 12:47 pm EDT October 4, 2006

Two Miami roommates needed help to get rid of some unwanted visitors in their apartment. They discovered more than 10,000 bees in their kitchen ceiling.

Javier Tovar didn't know the hive was there until he tried to change a bulb in a ceiling light and the bees attacked him.

The roommates quickly called in an exterminator.

"We thought maybe there may be a fist-size hive, but he just pulled out a basketball-sized hive. It's amazing," Tovar said.

The exterminator discovered that the hive belongs to a colony of Africanized bees, which are even more aggressive than normal bees.


The Chosen Woo

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OMG! I'm terrified of bees! Any kind of bees! But they LOVE me!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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And he thought it was just the lights buzzing! Sheez!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

The Good Witch Of The South


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LEVANT, Maine Oct 5, 2006 (AP)— A Levant man told police he lost control of his 2003 Lincoln Navigator after he was startled by a spider on Wednesday morning.

James Lee, 28, was trying to get out of the SUV when it smashed into a tree. He walked away with a bloody nose caused by the air bag.

But, it could've been worse. At least it wasn't the new Volvo XC90 he won in a contest.

Last month, Lee was one of 11 people from across the country to win a new vehicle from McDonald's, the Bangor Daily News reported. After finishing a Big Mac extra value meal, he got the winning game piece for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" game.

He hasn't taken delivery of the new vehicle yet.


Better Than Cheddar

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Very interesting,'m afraid of mice in any place I'm at. Last year a mouse got in our house and it really bothered me not knowing where it was. Finally Mr. Cheese found it in the trap. Felt much better then.

Other than that, I guess I'd be afraid of being stranded in a bad neighborhood with no cell phone or transportation...I've had dreams like that....where I'm stranded in a really hostile place.

I also despise mold, mildew, or any fungus. YUCKO

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