Weekends have been pretty quiet around here lately, but I thought I'd go ahead and start a Sunday thread and say "hey".
I have church this morning, and then, since it's the first Sunday of the month, we are going to try to fly kites this afternoon. The forecast looks like good temp and wind. Hopefully it will work out and we can have some fun.
We have a dark cloud over us, though. One of our flying friends just found out that he has cancer, bad. They did surgery to remove as much as they can from him, and they are giving him 3-5 years. He is only three years older than me.
Good day, all. Its been a busy and expensive weekend for me. Gearing up to start doing some work on the outside of the house. I've been buying the wood, siding, paint, and assorted other things I will need to get this going. As a result, I also ended up having to clean out the garage to make room to store the stuff. Now, if I can just get my son up here to help me...
Sorry to hear about your friend, Web. Cancer is a cruel disease. It can't be easy getting that kind of news.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It ended up being a nice day, but I'm tired. I've been going pretty much non stop since 7:30am. We had some nice wind for flying today. The boy and I didn't get home until about 5:30 from that. Then we grilled some chicken and while that was cooking, I played catch with him. Just now got the grill cleaned up, put away and the boy in the tub.
We tried that Jack Daniels sauce. What we ended up with had a LOT more strength to it than I remember at TGI Fridays. Next time, we're going to cut the Tabasco sauce down a little. It was too hot for my taste. I remember the TGI Fridays sauce being much sweeter than that.