As you know, my father-in-law passed away. We have been going up every weekend to help my mother-in-law out with the yard and whatnot. While I don't mind doing it, it doesn't leave much time for other things. We are constantly on the go and barely keeping our place together. I'm behind in work and barely making deadlines. We're preparing for The Girl's graduation & party. Things are not going well with her and her mother so there is much drama. Just prior to getting the news about my father-in-law dying, the doctor informed my husband that he is only a few points away from being diabetic. On top of this we found out that my mother has breast cancer. She does not even have all the information yet and she has already dead set against chemo/radiation. I have a full plate and I am just kinda going through the motions. I really don't have much playtime right now. If you want to get a hold of me your best bet is to email me. It should be on my profile. Miss you guys and hope that you are well
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
DANG! Everything at once! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully your mom will reconsider on the chemo/radiation. There is a lot that can be done these days to make it easier to manage. Perhaps she will reconsider when she gets more information.
Best wishes to you!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Woo I am so sorry this is happening to you all at once. But regardless of the timing, these things are never easy. Stay strong and know you will be in my prayers.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson