Hi guys. I have had several suggestions made to me for my new title. I would like to have some more of your thoughts please.
Ideas that are out there include: Confuscious, Numero Uno, CFO, CEO, COO, Manager of the Numbers and Permanent State of Confusion.
Okay, start your creative sides. Thanks.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Land of Confuzzion
Genesis song-
I have no creativity though!
I have to say Confuzzed is antithetical to who you really are...you seem coherent most of the time except around football season...Eagles! aer you insane?
Anyway I like NUmer Uno
I will keep you "posted"
Do I get to date a prince?
It is probably a good thing that you will be headed out soon. I may have it figured out by the end of the day.
Or maybe not.
you need something powerfull like:
Fuzzy The Confuzzinator
75 more posts to go and then I will be switching with you Webguy!
I would never leave you and go where I am not wanted!
How about
Ms. No Name
Woman of the No Title
Penthouse Princess