I suspect I may be the only person to visit the forum today (if the past weekends are any indication), but I figured I'd say hello anyway!
Not a lot going on around here today. I spent a couple hours learning APP building for the iPhone and iPad. I think later today I'm gonna head out to Barnes & Noble to pick up some books on the subject.
Other than that I'm watching some baseball (Cubs are getting beat by the Pirates. YAY!) and eating a sammich. Life is good!
Its been a rainy, nasty one around here. We were supposed to get up to 65*, but I think we missed the mark significantly. I got out and about anyway... grocery shopping and the like. Might go out with the girls later.
Tomorrow I'm going to make me go to the gym.
Not much else going on today. I did watch the movie "Legion". It was pretty darn weird. Ah well.
Hope everyone had a good day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.