No need to explain. Most of Philadelphia is with you. 1 year into a contract an TO thinks he can rob the Eagles. If he wasn't happy with the amounts, he should not have signed a seven year deal. Duh. Don't tell me you can't feed your family on your salary. Don't bring God into it either. He gave you the talented to play and you forsake his name becuase you feel you aren't given enough money to live. Go tell that to some poor guy that has a wife and three kids and works two jobs and barley gets by. The Eagles will not play that game. Look what they did when Duce Staley tried it with one year remaining on his contract. Look what the Flyers did with Eric Lindros. Same thing. And he sat out an entire year. If you loved the game, you would play first and worry about everything else second.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Well, I have to go "risk my life" now out on rain soaked highways full of potentially drunk drivers to earn my grossly underpaid wage of about $12 now.
Golly gee though, I sure hope Javon Walker doesn't get a paper cut counting his hundred dollar bills this morning.
You know, at the root of it, I think I'm just sick of feeling like a sucker. I'm sick and tired of lining up to give these guys my hard earned money via merchandise purchases, tickets, cable bills, etc, only to hear them whine on a regular basis that it's just not enough, they need more.
Argh. I'll save it for my article, and the new award show we're gonna start having each week. Starting next week we'll be having the weekly sh*t-head awards, get your votes in early! Can you guess who is the front runner to take the first statue home?
A little off the subject, but your last post has an interesting effect 'Fuzzed. Because you used the @ symbol, my computer thinks it's an email address. You can click on it and get a new message to pop open.
I had to go right after his ranting. Hopefully Jeremy did not see Javon while he was driving, otherwise we may have a death to read about!
But, really all great points. One day the entertainment and sports industry will get paid minimum wage and nurses and garbage collectors will get paid millions! Unfortunately I think that day will come when we die!