Star, in my drunken stupor, I need a new name. Please help me come up with one as I mourn the fact that I am having to work while the true love of my life and my daughters are playing. I hate money, I hate what it does to people. I thank everyone for their acceptance of my eccentricites and odd behavior. Rough times the last year and especially the last few weeks. OK, I will go for seven and hit the sack. I am sure to be completely embarrassed when I look at the board tomorrow morning and how many shots I had. But, it was fun while it lasted.
Sure, try one more time but when you reply, click the "IMG" button right above where you type in your message. After you click that, a popup window will open and ask for the address. Enter that same address in that popup window and you should be all set.
You are really close to having it . . . just enter that address in the IMG button popup rather than where you compose the message, and I think it will work for ya.
I am to stupid to figure it out. If you look at the website posted, please allow me to introduce you to the CP family. I am one very lucky man and wish desperatley to cling to what I have and still stay grounded.
We had a Christian Singer from Ray's town here for a concert in the park tonight. Her name is Holly McDaniel. Wow, she has an awesome voice and obvious love for God.
I was on the organizing end of the event. After working most of the evening in the heat helping set up and then tear back down, I'm pretty beat. The cool basement feels real nice.
If I could just get this cat off of it, I'd stretch out on the old comfy couch and call it a day.
Pay? I'm supposed to be getting paid? I think my checks are getting hijacked somewhere between the Penthouse and down here.
Why not tell JR and let him change it right away! That's what I would do if I were a forum member and had reached 1000 posts and had the opportunity to change my title to whatever I wanted.
Why wouldn't you want to do what I would do? Everyone wants to do what I would do! I do everything right!
I like anon's suggestion! It will be a present for him to see when he gets in on monday. Why do we need a thread for it? Let's just do it. He didn't say anything about wanting to approve it. He trusts me.