I didn't walk to work today. Yesterday they said it was supposed to rain today, and I kept missing today's forecast on the radio this morning. Every time I caught it, they were saying, "And for tomorrow, the weather will be..."
And of course, since I got around early, somehow I ended up getting in the office late. That's the way it always seems to work.
Good day, all. Its another rainy one here too. 72* and very humid thanks to the rain. Ah well... been at the office for a while. Nothing much going on and the staff meeting for this morning was cancelled because somebody (my sup) forgot to include most of the staff on the meeting maker. Its like that.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all- How was the vacation Mz Hartz? Ours went well. The 16 hour drive home was about three hours too long. It all came to a head about Knoxville, TN. It was a bitter end to an otherwise good trip. My girls and Paul's daughter really seemed to click and bond well. That made the trip all worthwhile.
Mrs Web is struggling with this forced job thing. She has a flood of emotions running through her. She's mad at the old bank corporate HQ for ignoring FDIC warnings and running it in the ground. She's mad at her former manager for not sticking up for her and trying to do more to save her job. She's sad that she is no longer working in the same building her daddy did. She's ticked that of all the employees that could have moved over to this other bank, the three that did are the first three she'd pick to NOT work with. She's nervous about being with a brand new startup. She's getting all these things at the same time and she's about ready to explode.
I just got back from picking her up a bright, colorful bouquet in a "vase" from the flower shop. Hopefully that will help.
Good job by you for getting the flowers, Web. I feel bad for Mrs. Web. Losing a job when you know its not your fault anyway is harsh. I truly hope it all goes well for her at the new bank.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
TN, I'm glad the daughters got along so well, and that is was mostly a good trip. What happened to yours at the 13 hour mark? Just bickering and grumpy from being in the car too long?
Mine ended up being "okay." I haven't really talked about the bad parts of the trip here yet. After the awesome morning at the beach, at around 12:30, we ran out of sunscreen. So we decided to head back to the car, eat our picnic lunch in the shade, then find some more sunscreen. Well, I put the keys in my purse, Brian put his in the pocket of his shorts (not swim trunks), both of which we had sat in the trunk, which we didn't fully think through until AFTER we closed the lid. Apparently, the worst place on earth to lock your keys is in the trunk of a convertible. We called Alamo, and they didn't get someone out to us that could actually get into the trunk until 6:00 at night. We had no water, no sunscreen, and were wearing only our bathing suits. So we only spent one morning on the beach, a lot less time on the beach than we had planned. I'm still peeling from the sunburn.
In addition, my grandpa isn't doing so well. He's just getting old and not bouncing back like he used to. He mostly sleeps in his chair all day, and he's having a hard time concentrating, although that may be from some of the meds he's on. He is 78 years old after all. These are the grandparents that really made an effort to give me a normal childhood after my parents divorced, so I'm really close to them. It's kind of hard to accept, but it's the cycle of life.
And the third kicker is that Brian's mom isn't doing well either. She's healthy in body, but she's not well mentally. He tried calling her while we were down there, but she wasn't returning his calls, so he called his sister. His mom isn't taking care of herself, and she's stopped bathing. It's time to put her in some sort of assisted living. Brian's taking it really hard. That, along with still not having a job, is really stressing him out.
But, there were plenty good parts to the trip too. I got to swim with a dolphin, unplanned, in the wild. We got to go to the Ringling Museum of Art and the rest of the grounds of the Ringling Mansion. We even got my grandma to go along (she's usually at home taking care of grandpa). We got to spend a good chunk of time at the Mote Aquarium and the bird sanctuary. And I wasn't at work. I REALLY needed the time away from work.
Good job Web. That is nice of you. But please be prepared from the emtions that might burst and they crying that comes with it after you present the flowers.
Mz - sorry the vacation was mixed, but I am glad you had time away from the office.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Really? Hmmm. It seems that if I were a emotional wreck right now, that little jesture would have meant so much. And let us remember that I am not an emotional person, well except with anger. I am good with that.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Okay. At least you got a hug. That was important. She has to understand how you know it has been a tough time for her. (I know it hasn't been so easy on you either.)
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I understand, but I don't know what to say. I feel like I should be able to say or do something that will help make it better, but I can't seem to find what that should be.
Just letting her know that you care goes a really long way, I'm sure. It would with me. Getting flowers when you are having a tough time is much, much nicer than "So, what's for dinner? And oh, by the way, I need for you to do the following 12 things for me..."
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
This fix is out of your hands and control. I'm sorry. This time it is just the way it works. You know in time it will be okay. You have been riding the rollercoaster for a while now. You are just headed for another loop on the track.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm a fixer. I should be able to fix this . . . but I don't know how to fix it . . . that bothers me.
I totally sympathize. I too am a fixer. Unfortunately, there is not really a way to fix someone else's feelings. But you are giving it a good try.
I'm having the same problem with Brian. Yesterday he snapped at me, and I took it personally and snapped back. Granted, 5 minutes or less later, we both apologized. But I don't know what to say or do, so I go from feeling helpless to annoyed.