Good day, all. It is not flat out raining here, but it is kind of misting. I guess that is a nice change of pace. We will see how this day goes... it is already moderately irritating.
Not much else at the moment. Hope everyone has a good day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I haven't looked outside since I got here. According to my weather feed, it is now sunny and 70*.
Got this morning's irritation behind me. In a nut shell, one of the billing peeps sent a request last week to have a particular billing record turned on for the trunks related to one of my projects. It is a really simple task that she asked me to do "Tuesday or Wednesday of next week". Since I had not completed the task yet, I did not reply to the e-mail yet. Upon arrival at work this morning, I got a snarky-gram from her about not replying. Knowing full well how this works, I sent her back that I had not replied as the task had not been completed yet. My reply was immediately followed by a "Hold on a minute, I need to make sure we should be doing this..." e-mail from someone else who was copied on the initial request last week, but didn't feel it necessary to say anything until now. Typical! I gave them 30 minutes, sent a "are we ready?" and immediatley upon receipt of the "yes" made the updates, then replied that it was complete. Not even a "thank you".
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I had a customer that was a bit impatient last week. She was emailing 2 hours after her first email asking if I had answers for her yet. I made her wait until I actually had the answer, then when I replied I said something along the lines of, "I'm a little backed up, and it's taking me about 24 hours to respond to email." Really what I meant was, "It's standard in business to wait 24 hours before asking for an answer to a non-urgent email. Hold your horses." I think she got the hint.
She hasn't been there much to settle in yet. She's spent a couple days in training at another branch, and other days organizing and trying to get things ready. Now that they finally got their computers, they can start digging into the banking software to learn more. I expect we'll be opening our own accounts soon so they can practice on family members before the public hits.
New bank accounts will mean updating everything at my merchant provider, PayPal, and all the payments I make directly out of the accounts . . . fun stuff.
Well, I got about 1/3 of the grass mowed and around to where the dog is tied out. I shut the blade off to put her inside and mow that area. Now the electric control that turns the blade on/off won't kick back in.
There is another problem with the starter on it too so I'll take it to the mechanic and let him look at it and see what's wrong. Hopefully he can get it going again before very long or else I'll have to hire someone to come mow for me.