my dear FFR virgin thumper - you may be in the back alley, and of course we let you in for the party the other day, but you have to go through the boardroom to get to the penthouse.
Alright, that's it, lock the doors!!! No more new members. Those poor SOB's don't stand a chance. Who would want donuts anymore. May I present you with your hat. (they do come in other colors)
Thanks for the JD. I ran out last night. But never fear a new bottle is here. Maybe this is a good time to start. My wife is having about 15 of her freinds over tonight, and I am having difficulty figuring out how I should spend the eve. I could lock myself in the office with JD, but unfortunatley would have to make munchie and bathroom runs, and my condition may embarrass her. OR, I can go out with the boys, but they are all busy babysitting cause their wives are here. I am doomed.