Help me out...if there was one thing in your life that you could do over, what would it be?
I was looking for several themes to tie together in some lyrics. I thought I would see if there was some universal themes that would make the song ring truer?
I would have gone to Florida with Linda and Venette. A couple of days after high school graduation they were going to Florida for a vacation. Just the two of them driving to Florida. They stopped by and asked if I wanted to go with them. I had my paper route to take care of and told them no. That has to be one of the dumbest things I ever did. Two weeks with them in Florida. To this day that ranks right at the top of stupid, stupid things I've done. Idiot, dumbass, stupidasso oh the names I've called myself for passing up that. Oh well that's just fine for the Monday I'm having. There you go Dylan, write a song about that. You can call it the Stupidest Guy in the World. Or simply...Ray!
When I was in 7th grade, we had an opportunity to go to a baseball game and take someone along with you. Well, I was going to take my grandpa, because he loved baseball. I forgot the form at home on the day it was due, so we didn't get to go. My grandpa passed away the next year. So, if I could go back, I'd remember that form and go to the baseball game with my grandpa.
I guess this would go into the 'I wish I would've ____ before they left' category.
I don't know. More philiosophy. That professor. I will have to think about it. And doing the type of deep thinking can not be done at work while playing with numbers. I will have to get back to you.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Maybe this is too personal, but I would have waited to have sex until I was married. It is not that I do not want my son, I just believe that in hindsight, my life may have been different. Also I am trying to instill that into him and it is hard because he knows that I did not.
I would have studied harder in school. I did ok and did get a scholarship but I wish I had applied myself more. I also wish I had followed my instincts in the Army and not trusted someone when they say I wont get caught with the stuff. I wish I were more responsible with money and stronger when the time comes to go our separate ways when its time to leave.
I know this is all corny and wierd but who knows. maybe you can use some of it.
I can relate to alot of it Thumper. Thats the point. We all have alot in common and its those common denominators that makes good songs great. Everyone can relate.
Oh yes I know exactly...the biggest mistake of my life. I signed for a car for my exboyfriend. NEVER EVER SIGN OR EVEN CO-SIGN for anyone no matter what they promise you. If I hadn't done that, my interest rate wouldn't be so high on my new loan among other things.
Everything, don't get me wrong my life isn't bad, I have had a very good life so far and have been fortunate but I just think it would be cool to be able to do it all again and make completely different decsions on things, then see how my life would be different!
I would've minored in liberal arts instead of majored. I do have all these great books still with me, so my retirement is set as far as being able to revisit these, so long as I can still see! But yea-something a bit more career orientated instead of humanities orientated.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
dylan , maybe you can put this to music- my feet hurt but i can't sit down cause there's a bulldog latched to my a** and he wont let go ...but even if he did , it don't matter cause the furniture man re- poed my recliner .
Let's see. Just off the top of my head, without a deep thought.
I would learn to study. That way I would have done better in school and my studies. Which could lead to a better school and money for school. Which also may lead to better job offers after completing my studies.
I would have a part-time job earlier than I did in order to save money for future investments (house, car, stocks). And I would have bought those stocks I really wanted to. Especially because they turned out to be solid investments. Generally better money management.
I would learn to treat my body properly. Learn when to exercise, to eat properly and maintain a healthy weight. Produce the habits early so they roll forward in my life.
I would say goodbye to loved ones when I had the chance and I knew something may be wrong.
I would not be afraid to takes chances whether it be on the playing field, offering an opinion, speaking my mind, defending myself, ask more questions, telling someone I don't understand or the persuit of a potential relationship.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
There's not a whole lot I WOULDN'T do over in my life.
I would love to have half the knowledge I have today, but at the age of 20. I think I would wind up doing very well for myself.
By the way, that's in no way meant to sound egotistical. Even with ALL my current knowledge I'm only at about 30% of the brain power of most people my age
There's not a whole lot I would do over in my life. Yes, I've made my share of mistakes, but I'd like to think that I've learned from them, and that makes me the person I am today.
If I would've made different choices, I may not have the home I have, the love of my life, and two, beautiful, furry children. I'm thankful for what I have and try not to resent what I can't change.
yea I am going to agree with Mz here- I really had to dig to find something. Not too say that I have not taken a total a**-kicking roller coaster ride (as everyone in their own ways has- I am not unique here), or that everything is alright now, but I am happy. Sometimes less is more.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09