I've been meaning to post some pics from my Florida vacation.
This is the Lighthouse on Sanibel Island. I wish I would have taken it before the thunderstorm moved in.
This is sunrise near my sister-in-laws house. I went for morning walks a few times. It was relaxing.
This is the beach at the Outrigger. I recommend having a Mango Daquari or a Rum Runner from Tiki bar. They are very generous with the alcohol. That's our beach spot on the left.
This is looking into the Gulf. I just thought it was a cool picture. You can see it raining in the distance. You can always count on a 15 minute storm around 4pm everyday.
This is an access canal near my sister-in-law. She doesn't live on the canal. It's about $200,000 more for that privilege.
Here's my family. We all look happy but we're really sad. We took this minutes before we headed for home.
I didn't take as many pictures this year. But the memories are there!