Happy Metal Ballad Tuesday!!
Hope you are all having a good one!!
Back at ya, you aqua net wearing Ballad lover!
Let the games begin!
thanks, Spark!! got the bic out? I put in Steelheart! I'm waiting on Wef to put in Slaughter - I know how he likes them.
Woo HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got my White Lion and Christine McVie
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
put in the White Snake! go ahead make my MBT!
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!
Got me some Winger and CInderella
Slaughter is coming up!!
It's wef's song and he's not here!! Hope he's okay!! the least he could do is check in from home!
thump-slaughter drummer is like the hottest hair dude ever!! (well, maybe next to Brett Michaels)
Give me some Kip Winger and Jon Bon Jovi anyDay
YEE HAWWWW!!!!!!!!
What's up, girlie!! Long time no see!! You showed up for a good day! MBT!
Welcome Back SOmechick.
that's thumper-
he's here, he's queer, get used to it!
We can all share JBJ. According to my 2 friends that I attend all JBJ concerts with, they're married to him too. I don't even know how he does it.
That reminds me, in 18 days, I shall see him again. I'm gearing up for it already.
he does a lot of things somechick! he's bad medicine!!
but I could stay up all night w/ blas!!