I need to figure out something with my internet radio. All I ever hear is the music ( a good thing) but no announcers. I did get to hear JD on Sunday Jazz but I missed Riggs.
I didn't get to hear him (or me!) this morning. In fact, I can't even remember which Weird Newz he was going to play today. If someone reminds me, I'll post a link to the story...
I was sitting right here at my computer and couldn't listen. Just as the Darwin Awards started someone entered my office and started asking questions. I was right here and missed it!!!
"A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her."
But I'm finding that it's VERY difficult for me to get into the studio in the morning. I'm a night owl by nature. At 2 am I'm hating the fact I have to go to bed because I'm wide awake, but at 8 AM I just can't get going
I had some work I had to run out and do. I wanted to get it done early, but I kept putting it off and putting it off while I played some online poker, listened to Freeze-Frame and chatted on the forum. Next thing I knew it was 1:30 AM and I still hadn't run out to do the work (I used to own a commercial cleaning business and still have one account because it was too lucrative to sell off). So I wound up not getting to bed until 3:15, then, I can't go right to bed, so I watched an episode of Greatest American Hero, that took me til 4 AM. I finally fell asleep after that.
The alarm rang at 8 AM and I just laughed and said "I don't think so". 28 snooze alarms later, here I am