I'm pretty bummed out today. Our friend is having a 30th birthday party up in Chicago this weekend, and we share a birthday. Our plan was to go up for the birthdays on Friday, get a hotel room, and celebrate our anniversary by going to Brookfield Zoo on Saturday.
But it's looking like our wonderful State of Indiana is going to screw Brian out of his unemployment checks for the past month because of a glitch on their website. He hasn't been able to file for weeks, and therefore doesn't get paid. He's called and gone into their office multiple times, and every time he's told that someone who can help them isn't there. Finally he got someone to help, but when he went to file last night, it looks like they reset him entirely. So he still couldn't file (it's like he's waiting to be approved again), and it doesn't look like there will be any way to go back to the weeks it wouldn't let him.
So it looks like not only will we not be able to go up this weekend, we won't be able to go anywhere for our anniversary for the first time ever. Hopefully they can get it fixed, but I don't have a lot of faith. He's going back in today and is going to see if someone can get it fixed, or at least let him file hard copy records (they only accept unemployment filing electronically now).
Morning all. The sun is back out and the temps will be at least 90* all week. The humidity will also be back. We had a great day of Saturday rain. I have no problem sacraficing the day for the rain. We really needed it. And still could use more. At least there is a really good chance of heavy t storms the next couple of days.
Already plowed through some work. I am off to do some more. The boss will be here tomorrow through the end of the week. The more files I have prepared for his review, the longer he leaves me alone and the less time he has to ask me to do stupid, boring things.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
It was a stressful weekend for me. I had all servers down for about 4.5 hrs total over Saturday night and lat Sunday afternoon. The data center was losing power. Normally it's not a problem as they had backup generator power that is to automatically switch over, but their generator failed. Last night, they found and rented another generator, but then the automatic switch over failed and we still went down. Hopefully it is, or will all get sorted out soon. Apparently the power grid in Phoenix in the middle of July isn't all that reliable.
We got another 3.5" total rain this weekend. We were on the edge of Saturday's storm. We got some small hail, but from about 5 miles to 15 miles East of us, everything is stripped down by hail. It looks bad there.
Good day, all. My Monday is starting out to be okay. No major bumps in the road just yet. Its partly cloudy and presently 73*, probably going to rain at some point today.
We had some nasty thunderstorms yesterday, but they didn't last a very long time. The morning round lasted about 2 hours. The afternoon one was much worse, but it only lasted about 30 minutes. The nice thing is that I don't have to worry about watering the plants for a while.
Sorry to hear that your plans have been dashed, Mz. Sucks hard when that happens.
Fuzzy... rock on. Bury that boss-man in a storm of files.
Web... good luck with that power situation. Not much you can do about that but ride it out.
Hope everyone's day gets better.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hey, building a Lego beetle is an important skill set in a mate.
Travelocity to the rescue. I found a hotel outside of Chicago for $29 a night. Granted, that means I'll have to be my own designated driver on my birthday, but at least I'll be doing something other than sitting at home.
Hm, maybe I can hunt some discounted tickets for the zoo down too...