I slept in a little too long this morning, and now I feel "off." But I'm hoping that by sleeping in and this triple venti latte that I'll be able to have enough stamina to work late.
Morning all. I have been spending my time this morning addressing envelopes and certified mail receipts for a bunch of state tax returns. Talk about boring work.
I have also been kicking around ideas of what to do with my week offnear the end of August. I am leaning towards 3 days of camping and then maybe an overnight trip to Gettysburg. I haven't been out to Gettysburg since I was in 6th or 7th grade. It was a class trip and the day we went, the government was closed due to budget issues. I think it'll be better now that I am older, as I can wander around where and when I want and I will appreciate the overall atmosphere more.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Howdy, all. So sleepy this morning. Had a really bad nights sleep. Now that Jacob has his car running, he thinks he can stay out until all hours of the night. Mr. DS is so mad he could spit nails! I think it's time to yank a starter wire.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)