Morning all. The sun is out and the humidity is low. We had some strong storms roll through early yesterday afternoon. Dropped the temps by 20*.
I have been occupied this morning. Kind of doing this, that and the other thing. It has been good to get a few little things completed and a list for the boss updated. I'm going to go complete some more of these type of things.
Work on.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Second nice day in a row here, and last night the temps cooled down so much so that you could have the windows open and get a nice cool breeze. Almost, dare I say it? Fall-like!
MzHartz wrote:I thought about starting the Monday thread, but decided I didn't want to. That's kind of how I'm feeling today.
I kept waiting for you to start the Monday thread. Usually I am a follower. I figured maybe you didn't want to or was tired of starting the daily thread. I gave up and started it today.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Well, it's been quite the busy morning in the office -- all the chiefs are back and well, it's Monday.
This will be a short week for me. I'll be making my annual trip on Thursday to NM to visit my mom. This trip we'll be taking Doodlebug. I hope she travels well.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Good day, all. Finally getting around to checking in. Yet again I find myself relieved to come to work so I can recover from my weekend. Went back and checked the Friday thread to see if I got all of my stuff done... I did. Even added a few things to the list by necessity.
The good news is that I did get a little more done on the house and talked the boy into agreeing to do the facia boards and guttering too, so I passed on getting the other windows right now and picked up some of that stuff since I'm now lacking part of a facia board and one whole section of guttering. I also believe that the 'lumberjack' phase of my existence is done for a while too. I got my trees cut down and removed from my property and helped with the neighborhood storm clean up too. Had loads of fun with the chain saw, and only sustained one minor schrapnel injury.
On the not so shiny side... I managed to fall down a flight of stairs Saturday night and bunged myself up pretty good. Thought I might have broken something in my left foot, but turns out it is just a nasty bruise. Oh well.
And just got some semi-good news. The Excursion is now repaired... and the total is about $300 less than what I was initially told to bend over for. Gotta go get it now.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mad Mema wrote:On the not so shiny side... I managed to fall down a flight of stairs Saturday night and bunged myself up pretty good. Thought I might have broken something in my left foot, but turns out it is just a nasty bruise. Oh well.
I am glad you are okay. But you know I have to ask. Did you decide to throw yourself down the stairs:
A. Because you were exhausted B. You were trying to escape additional weekend house duites C. You had a few adult beverages (on top of being tired) D. You did it so you wouldn't throw him down the stairs E. You were practicing to become a stuntwoman F. None or all of the above
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Well, answers A and C played into it... but there is more to it than just that. Under normal circumstances I have a habit of looking at my feet when I walk down stairs if it is more than just a couple. My right knee is not as solid as it should be (thanks to 2 surgeries after the car accident) and the nerves are jacked up so I don't have full sensation either. So, I find it extremely beneficial to look at my feet to make sure I'm going to land a step correctly, especially carpeted steps.
In this instance, I was walking down the steps probably a bit too quickly, not looking at my feet because I was looking at the person I was speaking to who happened to be at the bottom of the steps. I wasn't holding onto a rail or the wall because there was no rail on the one side and I had an adult beverage in the hand by the wall. I was also wearing flat soled, slide on sandals which are not really conducive to walking down carpeted steps. Right foot hit the step wrong, shoe came off, I fell down hard on my butt and left foot... bounced down about 5 steps. It sucked. My very drunk friend to whom I was speaking was incredibly amused... but between gails of laughter did manage to say "Oh, baby... that looked painful. You ok? By the way, you spilled your drink."
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yeah, I was going with and A and C combo. It would have been extremely talented of you had not spilled your drink.
I know about the knee instability. ACL and cartiledge issues play into things like that. After I tore up my knee (and before the surgery), there would be times I would be walking along, the knee would give out and then I would find myself on the ground.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Mine does odd things at odd times. Sometimes my kneecap shifts around. Sometimes my knee pops had enough to make me see "sparklies". Sometimes it just locks up or gives out on me. Hurts if it is bent too long... same if it is straight for too long. I just never know what is going to happen, and most of the time I'm on the stairs when something goes awry.
Ah well... I have an interesting looking triangle shaped bruise on top of my foot now. Not sure how it came to that shape, but at least I have shoes on that exactly don't press on it.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.