The weather in Northern NM was wonderful and Mother was well. It was a nice visit. I'm soooo glad to be home! Not so thrilled over the mountain of paperwork waiting on me though or the stinkin' hot humid weather... ughh... I missed you guys!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
We didn't have daycare today so I'm home with the Boy Wonder.
My new netbook that I got with the $250 Sears card from my credit card points is here on UPS today. I may slip down there soon and see if I can get it off the truck before it goes out. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until about 6:00pm. Since I'm home messing around today anyway, It would be nice to have it to play with.
Good day, all. After a 2 day break, we are back in a hard core heatwave. All week the heat index will be between 102* - 117*.
In other news, my son will be up with me all week working on my house. Not so much because he really wants to as because I really need him to. We decided to spend the weekend replacing the other two front windows, but quickly discovered that there are massive structural problems with the top half of the front wall of my house. Soooo... when I get home tonight, one of the four walls of my bedroom will not so much be there. It's gonna be a long, hot week.
Anyhoo... here at the office. Have a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
What type did you get Web? I ordered a netbook for Brian, an Asus EEEPC, that's supposed to be in tomorrow. This is really what I wanted to get him for Christmas. So we decided to buy it and sell the laptop on Craigslist. I only hope I can get as much out of the laptop as I put into it. I have a feeling that the netbook will really be the gift of letting Brian have the laptop more to play his video games and music and such, and I can take the netbook out when I go to write and such.
I'm not sure what you want to call it. It's either a big netbook, or a small laptop. I wanted a little bigger than the standard 10" screen. It's a Toshiba with a 11.6" screen. I was kind of limited to what Sears has since that is where the gift card was from.
This will serve two purposes for me. First, it will be a backup to my main laptop. I'll have it all set up with my business stuff so if something happens to my main laptop, that one will be ready to go. Second, since it's small and light, I'll grab it when I'm going out and will be gone for an hour or so. If I need it to respond to a server issue or something, I'll have it with me without having to pack up and haul my backpack and big laptop every time.
I think Mrs. Web might like it too for FaceBook and stuff. Now, she shares an old laptop with the boy. She might like having a "less sticky" one to use now and then too.
The resolution makes a big difference too. This screen is 1366x768 all compressed into 11.6". That makes things pretty tiny. It's giving my old eyes a workout.
Last weekend for some reason on Saturday night I couldn't fall asleep until almost 5 AM.
This weekend the same thing happened BOTH Saturday and Sunday.
I thought I was finally adjusting to night shift but now I'm starting to wonder. I've even been careful to get up early and not take any naps so I'd be tired by midnight or one-ish.