When they had the Harley 100th anniversary here in Milwaukee, traffic was bonkers for 2 weeks! My windows shook 24 hrs a day. The parade was about a mile from my house. Glad that is over with!!! Wish Milwaukee was the maker of like Schwin Bikes and NOT HARLEY!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
I don't mind the noise, it's the way they ride. At a stop sign, instead of one or two going at a time, they think its always their turn to go. Also they pass you in the gutter on the right side.
I've had three motorcycles growing up and loved riding, but we were always curtious and obeyed the rules!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I have rode with and without a helmet. It is not the law here. Now, if I ever road again, I would wear a helmet, but when I was young, I thought I was invincible.
Now I have someone waiting for me to come home!
PS No bike, only a boat, but the wind through your hair is close!
I've heard that many bikers coming from the East and South-East will go on up North through Iowa, then West across South Dakota just to avoid us and our helmet law. Many gas, lodging, etc businesses have complained about that law hurting their business.
I've heard that there is a law being debated in our state senate now to make it a "secondary offense" meaning you couldn't be stopped just for not wearing your helmet, but if stopped for something else, you could then be fined.
I was just thinking too . . . I wonder how many dollars worth of leather and "Harley" clothes are in that town right now.
We are friends with a couple from Lincoln that bought a brand new Harley a couple years ago. They went to Sturgis last year and stayed at our house both on the way up and back.
They said that they really questioned if they could justify spending the money on the bike. She said that they could afford the bike, but what they didn't plan on was all the extra shiney stuff for the bike and black stuff for them that they had to buy later.
florida repealed the helmet law not long ago . and one of the 1st victims was .. you guessed it ! a women who made the most noise. all her friends were saying " she would have wanted it that way " YA RITE ! ,saw on the bottom of cnn tonite how much the increase in deaths in states that have no law have increased , was like double the year before . it's like going hunting with the safety off . i understand the "wind in hair " stuff , i also understand living.
I wish my car had the seat belts like nascar has , also i wish for a 'hans device' , an air cooled helmet , a 2 way radio , 4 on the floor , a motor that turns 9000 g's (rev limiter optional) , 4 goodyear sticker tires ....