I'm so sleepy. I just didn't get a good nights rest last night. I was tired, but my brain wouldn't let me sleep. It was like having a little evil conjoined twin torturing me.
Tonight is "meet the teacher night" for Isaac. I don't know if I'm ready for school to start. Jacob is a senior. I'm definately ready for his to finish up...
Alrighty then, let's Wednesday on...
Smiles Everyone! Smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
It's a beautiful day, and I walked to work. The only downside to walking to work is that I don't go out for lunch. (Usually I go out to get a piece of fruit or something, just as an excuse to leave the building for a bit.) Maybe I'll sit out in the yard and read during lunch or something.
Morning all. I'm finally working my way in here. It seems every day this week it has been harder to get up out of bed. I know it is only mid week, but I am definitely looking forward to sleep-in day. I believe we are expecting some rain but don't know if we are actually going to get it.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I got to sleep in a bit this morning. I'm home with the boy the last day before school starts. We had "open house" at school last night. The boy found out that he is getting the teacher he wanted for home room. This is the science teacher. He has a 48" python and other animals in his room.
I'm not sure what we're going to do today. We need to go look for a new pair of shoes for him. We're just free wheels today.
Good day, all. It has been an interesting day around here so far. Not so busy, just learning a lot of interesting things. I love it when enlighenment happens.
I'm right there with the "didn't get a whole lot of sleep" crowd. Mine was mostly a product of having to work last night for a bit. I don't mind doing east coast maintenance because one can start it early enough in the evening to not lose any sleep in most cases. Last night I was working on west coast stuff... so had to get up in the wee-smalls to do that. Ah well... it is done.
School started in the district where I live yesterday. Today the local law enforcement was running radar in the school zones. Fortunately, I figured that would be happening so I was okay. Saw someone else get tagged though... bummer for them. Walker started back to school today. Miah doesn't go back until the 7th because of construction at her school. Not sure if Marshall will get into pre-K this year or not.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Oooh, new shoes! I think shoe shopping is my favorite kind of shopping
Yeah, school doesn't start until Friday, but the school zone flashers have been operating since Monday. Gotta get people aware of the school zones again.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)