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Post Info TOPIC: Jewelry


So what kind do you wear? Wedding ring? Class ring? Necklace?


I wear my white gold with mini diamonds wedding band and my engagement ring which is white gold with a ruby! (Yes this is not a new obsession!) I also wear a pair of white gold earrings with rubies. Some days I try to match my jewelry to my clothes, but the older I get, the less I care about things like that!



2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I'm a big-time anti-jewelry guy.

It's fine for other people, but I just don't like the bling bling.

The only thing I wear is a cross around my neck, and I only started that after my father got sick.

I'd say the only ring I'd ever wear would be a wedding ring or a World Series / Superbowl ring, should i have the opportunity to win one


CEO - The KOTO Co.

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   Years ago I wore a watch , i went to put it one day and  i dropped it , on a tile floor...   I also have a nice tie clip , but it's been several years on that too. sigh .  PS ruby -did you see my name suggestion for you ?


Chairwoman Of The Board

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No jewelry here either. Occasionaly if the mood hits me, I'll where a goofy toe ring or one of a few leather and bead necklaces I've got... If I get married again I'll wear a wedding ring, but if I have any say in it, it won't be a diamond. A band or an interesting stone set.


Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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I wear a twist ring that I got from my best friend before she moved.

I also have a silver and gold commitment ring ( no not a wedding ring) that my partner gave me for my birthday.

since I have 2 piercings in my left ear I wear silver studs or hoops.

my necklace has a music ring that I have had since high school and my partners Fish ring ( he is a pieces) and a rainbow dolphin

I also have a Kokopelli ring  ( while Kokopelli is the fertility god I have it because he plays music.)

and a dirty ring that shows a sexual position that I wear when I go out

I also have a necklace that has the male member on it and when you pull on a chain it rises.

Freaky but only worn when i go to dallas. ( bunch of perverts up there.) :)

The best thing this side of a stove

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I kind of tease my Mother because she LITERALLY wears about 9 rings on one hand.

I always tell her she needs to set up a rotation system, she walks crooked with that one hand weighing her down!


Permanent Vacation

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Wedding ring in its proper spot, it's custom-made white gold with celtic knots. 

Engagement ring on the middle finger of my right hand because it doesn't fit with my wedding ring and is now too big for my ring finger.  It is platinum with gold details and has 10 1/7th carat diamonds in a v shape. 

An italian charm bracelet on my left wrist, with a Donate Life green band. 

On my right wrist is normally a bracelet that my husband has made that usually matches a necklace that my hubby made.  (He makes a lot of beaded jewerly.  Some day, we'll make that into a business too.)

I have some earrings that match my necklaces, but when I don't I either wear simple small silver hoops or none at all.




Grand Poobah


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jewelry free!

'cept maybe a watch sometimes- does that count?

In high school, I had my left ear pierced for maybe 3 months. My girlfriend would wear this Eddie Van Halen guitar shaped dangling earing (in one of her multiple-piercings,) and I would wear the other matching earing. I looked soooo cool with my mullet, flight pants, Izod and the earing! LOL


"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Hey, seeing Mz's post reminded me,

I don't think there's ANYTHING wrong with women having jewelry. In fact, I think that's who it was MADE FOR!!!!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm in NO WAY some male chauvenist pig or anything, but it just bugs me seeing guys walking around weighted down big gold chain necklaces, oversized rings, huge earrings, etc.

Women can pull it off, they look "accessorized" with jewely. Men usually just look like they're trying to look tough. And if you have to try to look tough then you're probably not really very tough.

Just my thoughts on the subject.

I'll go back in my cave now


CEO - The KOTO Co.

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   Great !  now we all know who's home we should burgle !  ps- feel free to leave the safe combo in a convinent place . (in the fridge next to the beer would be nice )



I want a picture JD!


Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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JD You so silly.


I do have a Taz dangle earring but have not worn it in forever. and I do have some Mardi gras dangle earrings that I wear when i am to drunk to care at Mardi Gras

The best thing this side of a stove

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Dave, I think you just made up a new word there with "Burgle". I like it.


King of the Ring

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its a common word over here


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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King of the Ring

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King of the Ring

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ok the word is used quite frequently in the uk, see the above link!


Chairwoman Of The Board

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The only things i wear are a silver watch I got from the boyfriend, a red "ALS Awareness" band and on occasion, like today, a gold w/blue topaz ring I got for my high school graduation.


It's nice to have, but I'm usually running late when I dress, so no jewelry every makes it on me.

Oh well.

Thank you for being a friend!

Grand Poobah


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aw I think girlie friend burned all them pictures the day I gave her back her earing!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Well I'll be darned!

It just sounded like something you'd say when you stub your toe.

Dave, I apologize, you DID NOT make up a new word. You're just better versed in your British speaking than I realized you were.


Permanent Vacation

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My husband wears jewelry, but not the macho gold chain type.  In addition to his wedding ring, he also usually wears a Donate Life green band as well, a hemp bracelet, and a beaded necklace.




Doesn't Do Windows

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I'm like JR. I don't wear any jewelry at all.

I won't wear my wedding ring just because of the wood working I do. I don't need anything extra to catch on a blade or cutter and pull the rest of my hand into it. I'll sometimes put my ring on when we go out, but not wearing it very much, I usually forget. My wife doesn't care that I don't wear it, but one of her friends thinks it's just terrible.

I just don't like any extra stuff on my body.

A friend of mine was up on the box of a grain truck and jumped down. His wedding ring caught on a bolt. It turns out that one finger is not enough to stop the weight of your falling body. He lost his finger at the first knuckle.


CEO - The KOTO Co.

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  is a - donate life-  bracelet  bracelet like  a donar card ?


Permanent Vacation

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No, it's like the Livestrong bracelets.  It's advocating donor awareness.




King of the Ring

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I have a few of those things MZ, I have a Make Povert History one (white), a Anti Bullying one (blue) and an anti racism one (black and white intertwined).

PS I dont wear them all at once!!!!

-- Edited by Ultimo at 11:16, 2005-08-10


CEO - The KOTO Co.

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    I agree with web on the work hazard part , to many gory stories out there , theres a lot of wedding rings in the ashtrays of ford trucks right now , most get put back on at 4:pm , some at 5, depends on wether or not their going straight home . PS- i always went straight home . looking back on it , boy was I dumb ! lol  just kidding - one of the few things in life I'm not guilty of .


Chairman Of The Board

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I wear my wedding band (customary place) and my Masonic ring on my right ring finger.
I am the third generation of my family to wear the Masonic ring.
But since I don't have kids I will probably donate it to my lodge so they can loan it to a brother who cannot afford one.
The wedding ring is new with this marriage.
I sold the one from the first marriage, didn't want THAT hanging around!


Grand Poobah


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Mape- can I join The Masons??? I've got a book I've been meaning to read on The Masons! 

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Chairman Of The Board

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Posts: 897

I also agree with Web and Dave on the work hazard.
Since I drive a desk not much danger but when you are working around equipment rings can get you into trouble.
Also sometimes health can be an issue.
My Dad always wore his wedding ring but when his rheumatoid arthritis got bad the ring started cutting into his finger.
My Mom had to convince him it was ok to have it removed.
She said they had been married long enough that she didn't think he was going anywhere.


Chairman Of The Board

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Sure JD! the only requirement is a belief in one God.  
The rules have loosened up about current Masons talking with others about joining but at least here in Vermont you still have to get a petition, fill it in and send it to the lodge you want to join.  
Any local Mason should be able to get a petition for you.  
Also, most Grand Lodges have websites
As well as many local lodges.

-- Edited by 1maple at 12:15, 2005-08-10

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