Man Dies After 49 Hours of Computer Games By Associated Press
document.write(getElapsed("20050810T121030Z")); Wed Aug 10, 8:10 AMUPDATED 6 HOURS 15 MINUTES AGO
SEOUL, South Korea - A 28-year-old South Korean man died of exhaustion in an Internet cafe after playing computer games non-stop for 49 hours, South Korean police said Wednesday.
Lee, a resident in the southern city of Taegu who was identified only by his last name, collapsed Friday after having eaten minimally and not sleeping, refusing to leave his keyboard while he played the battle simulation game Starcraft.
Lee was quickly moved to a hospital but died after a few hours, due to what doctors are presuming was a heart attack, police said.
Lee had been fired from his job last month because he kept missing work to play computer games, police said.
Computer games are enormously popular in South Korea, home to professional gamers who earn big money through sponsorships and television stations devoted to broadcasting matches.
Makes you wonder sometimes. I heard about this about 1 hour ago. I play games alot and of course the rest of my life is on here. But even I know when to stop
What we need is little USB EKG monitors. Then we could hack the forum to show the status of everyone as they were on line. That way if one of us starts showing a weak or unstable heart rate, we could call 911and get help there ASAP.