Okay so I had a big nite last night, cruising in Sara!! Now I want to just tell a story - there was this little incident where I cut around a car - it wasn't a total bad move, very common. The chick goes "moron" So I go - wanna go B*#&%?? It was a bit of an outburst but I didn't want someone talking trash to me in Sara. Your thoughts???
Want my honest opinion?? Well I will give it anyway! I ignore people when they talk to me on the road. When I was young, like you, I had road rage bad. I still get pissed off on a daily basis, but I let it go. You never know- her ex boyfriend might have had a jeep, she might have just gotten fired, she might even have PMS.
Treat others the way you want to be treated! Treat them with respect and it will come back in return.
Yep. I agree with Ruby. I try to let stuff like that go. A mile or two down the road what's it going to matter anyway. Plus, who knows what kind of fruitcake is behind the other wheel?
I think with the way things are today, it's best not to push the issue.
I agree with Ruby that they may just be in a bad mood, but you push back and you have no idea what kind of condition that other person is in. Maybe he/she is high and has a gun sitting beside them. You just never know and venting your frustration at them may not be worth it in the end.
and that is exactly what my friend next to me said - they could have a gun or be taking down my plate. I wasn't scared of this chick - for one I could see into her car and for two she wouldn't look over at me after I yelled.
This is why I drive the familial SUV. Sits higher on the road and gets noticed--so no words are needed. Engine has power to out gun, I mean run the best of them. After driving in Greece and Italy--this is a piece of cake here, even on the LA freeways.
I had a friend's car get shot at on the DC beltway. Fortunately the bullets just went through the grill of her car.
I usually try to empathize with the other person. If she's calling you moron, I'm guessing she sees you as an aggressive drive. She's probably seeing you as a high accident risk, envisioning cops pulling you over, predicting that you'll probably eventually take a curb too quickly and roll your jeep. By yelling at her the only thing you accomplished was further verifying her opinion, so it's really not an appropriate reaction regardless of her potential to have a gun or snap. If you don't believe your driving will result in tickets, accidents or rolling your vehicle, ignore her opinion, it's not based on enough facts.
I made a left turn onto a 25mph road one morning with plenty of time to get up to speed before this red truck would be up where I was.... IF the guy in the red truck had been going the speed limit, that is. As it was, he sped up behind me, passed me on the shoulder and got in front of me before the intersection and then sat during the green light so I couldn't go... Just before the light turned red he skidded away... I went through the yellow so he got the impression I was following him. I had movies to return, he mistakenly thought I was following him into his development (which went beyond the movie store) when I was going to the movie store.... So he turned into the store I suppose to confront me, but I passed him to return my movies - which probably embarassed him that I was not there for his sake... so he drives up behind me as says "You ought to drive more carefully with a kid in your car" I replied "There wouldn't have been a problem if you drove the speed limit". Maybe he was irritated from the whole thing - I drove away figuring he needed anger management classes... People like that don't bug me, they've got serious karma issues, IMHO...
Moral of the story: if you let insignificant people get to you, that's all you're accomplishing.
I don't really even have two cents to add. I agree that is not worth lowering yourself to someone else's level. Just do the best you can, try to see the other person's viewpoint and move-on.
There was one time that I was pulling out of a friends apartment complex that was right next to a shopping center. It was tricky, because there was a lot of traffic, and the turn lane for the light to turn into the shopping center started right where the exit from her compex was. So, no one was coming from the left because the light was red, and no one from the right had their turn signal on, so I pulled into the turn lane to turn into the shopping center, and this lady in a minivan pulls up right behind me and starts tailgating me big time. I suspected she was following me, so I took a few weird turns through the parking lot, and sure enough, she was. So we decided not to park and to instead leave the parking lot and drive around the block. But when we got to the exit, we had to stop and wait for traffic. This lady gets out of her car and comes up to my window (it was summer, it was down) and starts yelling at me that her baby is in her back seat and I could've caused an accident. Yes, the same baby that she left alone in the running car! Luckily, she started walking away and there was a break in traffic and I got away. But, I didn't say anything back, I didn't know what this chick would do, and I had my then toddler little sister in the back seat.