Good day, all. To borrow from Stephen Colbert... it is time for the threat-down. I don't have a top 5 threats list, but it seems that today might be notice day for some of the crews around my office. Something has definitely been up with management of late.
I've got a Dr's appointment this morning, so I won't be in until almost noon. I'm always happy to not be around when people are getting their bad-news-grams.
Otherwise, it seems to be an ok for me so far. Cloudy and supposed to be 75*, but no rain today. Presently 61*.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Could be worse, Fuzzy. I'm going to be off to the Dr. in a bit for the annual humiliation. Pretty sure that I'll be told to go for ye-old-smash-o-gram too, so I have THAT to look forward to as well.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'm sick. I've got a head cold. I don't feel all that bad (just a little tired), but my head is stuffed as tight as it can be. Looks like I'll be a mouth breather for a few days.
I got the sheathing and tar paper on the "porch" roof of the shed yesterday. Now, we can grill in the rain if need be. Once I get the white fascia boards on, then I can shingle. Then I can wire the lights, then I can put the under side of the fascia on, then I can put the siding on, then the exterior will be done. Yay!
Ooh, all of a sudden I want to grill out during a downpour. Kinda just to say, "Take that Mother Nature!" And kind of because we could really use a downpour.
Sorry. Our services aren't taxable there so I don't have a sales tax return. Although, as part of the project I am working on, soon I will be filing a use tax return in IN.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Yeah... I don't think I would qualify that appointment as "fun". Getting older is so exciting... the Drs start asking you all kind of questions, then ordering all kinds of medical procedures. Much as I suspected, I get the bonus round of precautionary screenings week after next.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.