I got woken up a few times last night. Although I didn't have any trouble going to sleep each time, I think it's still taking it's toll on me. I'm also feeling wiped out, more than usual this time of month. I haven't had this happen in a while.
I am good with a nap. Although strangely I feel okay at the moment. I was kind of tired last night so I figured I would read for a while. Then I said, I could sleep for now. So I turned off the light. It was 9:40pm. Of course then it took me some time to finally get to sleep. So much for getting some extra time. Then, without an explanation I was wide awak at 2:10am. And I mean wide awake. I had trouble going back to sleep. I actually considered getting up. Didn't know what I would have done, but I considered it. It took me over an hour to get back to sleep. Moral of the story - I expect to be cranky and tired later this afternoon.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.