Okay check this out... I don't even know where to start. I took Buddy to dog park yesterday and there was this girl there in a dress!!! I'm mainly upset because she was talking to a really cute guy. Is that what I need to do? Wear a dress to dog park? Geezze!
The people who bring their dogs to dog parks have well-behaved dogs.
Star, it all depends on if you want to talk to the guys who are interested in the girls in dresses. You'd think just having a dog is enough to start a conversation, but when everyone there has a dog it must get more competitive!
Very good pt. Zim because right after she left - He went to talk to this other girl (not in a dress but very pretty). I was like what a player. I try to tell my dog what to do in these situations - I was like "Buddy, go drool on that guy" At first, I wanted Buddy to go by this guy and he actually went under his legs. I always tell Buddy to go by the cute guys!
Buddy doesn't really fight w/ other dogs but he is too much of a baby to play w/ them. He just hangs by me. And he doesn't fetch like the other dogs. Plus the other dogs know each other. Like the people. There was one guy I was thinking about talking to but then I'm like - I'm not gonna try so hard - let his a$$ come up to me. Needless to say - it didn't happen. He was talking to another guy tho. So we will have to try again tonight. Any other suggestions?
Maybe the dog park wasn't her only destination. When I get home from work, I don't change, I just wear my work clothes for the rest of the day. Depending what I'm doing during the day, if I plan to go out that night, I may wear the outfit I plan to wear that night all day.
Plus, look at what some of these highschoolers wear (does that make me sound old or what?). Showing your bellybutton can be cute if you're fit. Now how is showing the area underneath your bellybutton attractive?
Star, go up to him and pet his dog. Tell him his dog is so cute. Introduce him to your dog. Talk about how your dog, ask him about his dog. Heck, you've already got something in common, bank on it! Maybe he isn't coming over to you because he thinks you're not interested.
Queenie - you need to write a book for us hopeless ones with all your tips. See if you can fit in into your life somehow, okay? You can have different chapters for different issues/approaches.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
You are SUPPOSED to only take friendly dogs to the dog park. When we were still living in Lincoln, we took our dog there ONCE. There was another big dog out there running around and our dog went over to him and they started playing and got along great.
We were standing there kind of chatting with the owner of the other dog and her boyfriend when the two dogs came back over to us. As they got close, the other dog turned on ours, and had him down on the ground by this throat.
The girl got her dog off ours and he was ok, but I was like "Sheesh, what got into your dog?" She said "Oh yeah, he's like that . . . he's very protective of me."
I was not happy at all . . . I said "you stupid Bi%#&, what are you doing out here in the public run if your dog is that way." She couldn't see that there was any problem.
*edit: I don't remember what she was wearing, just that her dog was not well behaved.
about the dress - I was thinking that too - trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but how can you not have 5 min. to slip on a pair of jeans?? even if you are going some place after you wouldn't want to get your dress dirty and she had a big dog.
about the guy - his dog is cute. his name is George. I did play w/ him one time. He came over to me like he wanted me to take his ball but he wouldn't let go of it. Then he went back to his owner - this guy- and owner pointed to the ground and George immediately dropped the ball. It just dawned on me - this guy must be a big republican! (to name dog George - like the president for those of you that are confuzzed ) That's a conversation started but a controversial one. I'll just ask how the dog got his name. Wish me luck!!
I think that's the problem a lot of the time - women seem uninterested because they don't want to come off desperate or get rejected. But then you hear about how men are coming out of the walls when you're already dating someone - most likely because you aren't second-guessing and are simply enjoying life, you look more approachable. What a catch-22!! I got more guys talking to me when I was a few months pregnant than any other time I can recall...
I hate to say this, and I'm sure I'll get some raised eyebrows, but howabout drinking a beer before going to the dog park? I know I find it much easier to approach men at a bar since I'm already more at ease from a few drinks... But be genuinely interest in whatever topic you start, so you don't end up eventually feeling like you have to drive to the dog park across town.
Go over to the Hot guy. Kiss Him then smack him for not calling you the other night. Then he will come over to you and ask you what the hell that was about and then you strike up a conversation. Maybe just wear a bikini to the [park and you will get noticed
Sparky, I remember the line from cartoons, but I know it origated from some black and white film - now that's going to bug me all day! My daughter and I use the line all the time!! Usually when I'm pretending to go after to hamster.
I dont need to scare away the masses by wearing a bikini.
Only when I went to the nude beach in Madrid did I feel uncomfortable. People walking thier dogs out there in the park and they come over and sniff around you and you are covering up your goodies so they dont get bitten.
Besides I think you should just be your charming self. Everything will come to you