I have found that I have another pet peeve. When you get a fax off the fax machine for me, don't staple it! Paperclipping is fine, leaving the pages loose is fine, but stapling is a little more permanent and harder to get it out when I need to seperate the pages. Let me make the decision on whether these pages should be permanently attached. And, I don't need the status page saying the fax came through okay. I only want the status page if it did NOT come through okay.
Sorry, just had to get that off of my chest. Thank you.
I hear ya on that! You don't need those holes in your paper. Now this might be more effective if you tell your co-workers instead of us. We don't usually fax you, queenie!
The problem is, I don't know which person is doing it, the fax just shows up in my mailbox. And I'm afriad that if I send an email to everyone, I'll just been seen as a whiner. What gets me also is that this person puts it in my mailbox. My office is between the mailboxes and the fax, so they have to walk past my office anyway!
Howabout an anonymous note on the fax machine? Or a sticky note on the stapler - or just remove the staples from the stapler by the fax machine.
I have a fax machine that randomly calls me anywhere from 1am to 5am. I don't know if I'm more annoyed by phone calls in the middle of the night, the fact that there's no pattern or that I can't trace or block the call because it's private. Personally, I think it's the phone company trying to get me to sign up for more services....
I'll just hide the stapler and replace it with paperclips. Good idea!
We have a program called Bacons that gives you names, phone numbers, fax numbers, etc. for media outlets. They are notorious for mixing people's personal fax numbers up with the faxes for media. I wouldn't be surprised if you were on their list as a newspaper or radio station or something.
If there were any kind of pattern, I'd take home the work fax machine, just to see what's trying to be sent - but it can go weeks, months without a call then four in one night... or one as happened this morning at 5am.
Our CEO does that! He has learned to say goodbye more often now. His secretary has called him on it. He will do that, she calls him right back says its rude and then ends the call even though he has tohought of ten more things he needs done.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
My wife was talking to her Grandma and at the end of the conversation she was trying to say
quit Bull sh##&ing me, giving her Grandma a hard time. Instead she said Quib and hung up. Ever since then my family and her family just say quib when we end the call.
Next time you talk to someone just say quib at the end of the call, I think this could really take off!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I had to bring this one back after talking to a friend last night. This same friend actually brings up two peeves.
This guy talks constantly . . . has since childhood. He's been calling with a bunch of computer issues and questions the last few evenings. He'll ask a question, then talks over the top of me when trying to answer him. Very frustrating.
I just want to yell at him: "Shut your pie hole and listen for a few minutes so you can hear the answers to your questions!"
The other one is when he calls and has his TV up so loud that he can't hear me. I can hear his TV through the phone perfectly clear but he keeps asking me to repeat everything. Sometimes, I just tell him to chose to either talk to me or watch TV because obviously doing both at the same time is not working.
Very aggravating Web. My step-daughter tries to answer everything when we're talking to her. She'll also call with the TV on, which for her is bad. She can't get past the square box when it's on!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Web brings up a point about friends calling with work related questions. I don't mind answering questions related to taxes on occasions for friends. However, at what point do I feel that you are taking advantage of me and I should be billing you?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
On a related note, I hate it when you're trying to teach someone how to do something over the phone, and they keep interuppting you with questions. I'm a very patient teacher most of the time, but that's something I can't stand! First, it means that they're probably not listening to me anyway, and second, if they would just shut up and listen, I would answer their question!
UGH! I hate when I am on the phone and they come into my office blabbing your appointment is here! They know I am on the phone and it is sooo rude to interrupt me (or anyone!) when I am talking! I am usually leaving someone a message when it happens. I can understand a kid doing that, but not an adult!
People that send stupid forwards at work. I get enough junk mail in my regular e-mail account, do I really need it in my work account. As if the real e-mails I need to wade through and respond to aren't enough.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
When people who are supposed to status me on a given project or issue send me e-mails asking "What is the status of this?" It is so hard to find a dignified way to say, "Well how the hell am I supposed to know? Aren't you supposed to tell me?!?!"
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.