Ah, ragweed is one of the few things I'm not allergic to! But I'll start my sneezing up again as soon as those leaves start dropping.
The weather channel says it will be 83 here today, but on the radio they said it could get up to 90. Tomorrow's supposed to be a record high of 93. Normally I'm a big fan of summer, but I'm ready for the fall weather.
I took the boy to school but it looked like a barren wasteland. No kids, no cars, no buses, nothing. We went in and found the secretary at her desk . . . 10:00am start today. We missed that memo.
Good day, all. I don't think it is because of ragweed, but I do have a massive headache centered in my right eyeball. Probably lack of sleep. Anyhoo... chillin here at Camp Happy. Presently 70* and raining. Supposed to be 87* and really cloudy later.
Looks like I need to go back home and get my F#$&ing phone. I seem to have left it there. Yep, its gonna be one of those days.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.